Maiko Big Bang anyone?

Oct 18, 2010 09:44

So I was writing the other day, and then reading fanfics from supernatural big bang, and then avatar big bang, and I realized that this ship was one of the things that does need a big bang badly.

I was turning it over in my head, and since I've put off training for an entire year and I just have a major licensure exam at the 28th, I thought I might as well mod something like that after I talk to people and see just how interested people are going to be. To my knowledge, there hasn't been a Maiko big bang, but correct me if I'm wrong since I've only been a Maiko fan since september. And an avatar fan since, July (2010, yes, I know I have come to the party very very very late)

For those who don't know what a big bang is, A big bang is... a challenge for writer and artists to write for a specified period of time for around 10,000 - 20,000 or more words of fiction in one month coupled with artists who would give work to accompany that fic. (it's happening all over the net).

Writers sign up first then after a month, artists will be paired up with teh writers, and then betas would be paired up with the writers. They'll work together to post on the deadline. Then after a specified period of time, the fanfic writer will post the completed work on the big bang community. So you get a "big bang" of fics/art work. like creation.

here's the FAQ for avatarbigbang:
so that you can get the feel of it.

I want to know how many people are interested in writing/drawing/manipulating pics for that from this community. If there's interest, I'll start actively looking for a co-mod, ask people who've set up big bangs before for help on how to set up and html coding and stuff. and if I get this successful, maybe it's time I also brought the big bang to the very old Ranma community


So... thoughts people?

Well here's hoping people: banked-flame your maiko big bang. Because for the life of me, I couldn't name it maiko big bang....

miscellany, discussion - general

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