Random Ranting because I don't wanna do my homework.

Feb 07, 2007 22:55

Ner. Expect me to move out of LJ soon. I'm going to be heading over to bloggerrrr. Why? I'm kinda bored of LJ, and I want to start messing around with PS 7.0, HTML, and CSS again. And I refuse to go back to xanga. It lags my computer :(.

So anyways. I've always wondered, how come everyone else hates their siblings, and I get so well along with mine? Yeah, my friends always ask why we're so close, Trang's friends ponder, and some of Nam's friends question it too. I don't really have an explaination for why we're so close, we just are. We've been playing with each other since we were young, and we still are. But, it really annoys me to see siblings being mean to each other. I hate it when they're taking each other for granted, and getting into fights, and being selfish. They act like friends are more important than family. But then again, thats none of my business, so I'll just observe from afar while my friends are arguing with their siblings. There's really nothing I can do, because its rude to interfere with their own personal business. But don't worry, I'm not targetting a single person or everyone. There's a lot of friends who hate their siblings, and then there are the few who love them, just like me :D.

Either way. I'm really annoyed that people keep on using my erasers and abusing it. I don't know why, I'm really picky when it comes to people using my eraser, so I will randomly state some rules when using my eraser.
1. Please do not use a sharp corner, until I have used it first. Its not fair that you get to make my eraser dull, when its mine. Its kinda like you eating the ham out of my sandwich before I get a bite.
2. Do not stab my eraser with your pencil. You don't see me stabbing your eye repeatedly when I ask you to read something off the board for me.
3. Do not write on my eraser. Thats pretty much like vandlising. Would you like it if I went I went into your room and started spray painting your walls with random messeges?
4. Do not turn my eraser into a weapon and pelt me with it. Thats like me steal your sword, and then continously stabbing you with it. Its not very nice.
5. Do not exert excessive force when erasing. You kill my eraser fast that way.
I don't know why I wrote that. Its just an expression of sarcasm and boredom mixed. I'm exaggerating on everything, but it does annoy me. I don't know why, maybe its because I'm over obsessive with my possessions.
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