Fear no longer, for I have returned!!!

Jun 12, 2006 17:57


No doubt, ALL OF YOU have been worried about me and wondering where the Lovely Green Beauty of Konoha has been! Fear no longer for I am safe~!!!

What had happened was that after hearing Asuka and Kakami had left to chase after the missing-nin that took Kabumi WITHOUT BRINGING ME ALONG, naturally I chased after them to lend them the aid of the Power of Youth~!!!

.............unfortunately I got lost while catching up.

But never fear!! My Amazing Skills which I've developed with hard, grueling, and disciplined work were not wasted~!!! As destiny would have it, I came across a small village that was suffering from these sudden rains that were occurring. A potential landslide was threatening to wipe out their town!! OF COURSE I COULDN'T LET THAT HAPPEN!!

So, using my mighty fists and abilities FUELED BY THE POWER OF YOUTH, I managed to single-handed ly SAVE THE ENTIRE VILLAGE FROM UTTER DESTRUCTION WITH MY BARE HANDS~!!!! They tried to reward me afterward, but of course I couldn't accept it! My actions were that of a warrior of justice and not just as a shinobi~!! <3333333

And that, dear friends, is where I have been!!
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