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Jun 15, 2009 22:32

Let me start this by saying I loved loved LOVED the James Morrison concert in Ann Arbor which was
my birthday present from Grace. Thank you very much, Grace, I can't BELIEVE I didn't mentioned that earlier!
We had a terrific time eating at Grizzly Peak enjoying tasty food and fine hand-crafted beer. HELLZ YEAH.
Sharing the concert with Sam and Shila (and waiting outside with Stephanie and her sis) made it that much
more fun. If you don't listen to James Morrison, you should. That man can SANG!
I should take this time to also thank Shila for her generous b-day gifts of skate shoes, gift cards and music. Too sweet!

Sam's birthday was very fun, too. I hope one day Jason discovers the amazing benefits of sunblock and a hat.
That dude was COOKED! :)
Also, I'm glad Scott and I had left the hotel room before what was left of the party got booted out.
Considering Scott and I's influence on each other, we would have gotten rowdy and then arrested if we
had been asked to leave. Could have been fun, though!

I was happy to participate in the cure for cancer walk in Detroit with Scott, Sabrina, and Grace.
Walking down the middle of Woodward was a cool experience and it was for a great cause.

Pittsburgh was the better team. It's as simple as that. That was a painful, empty way to lose at home, though.
The silver lining is that somewhere out there Michael Keaton is happy.

My prediction for the karaoke contest: A girl will win.

A quick question to everyone in general: WHERE THE HELL IS KRISTIN?!?! I don't think she likes us anymore. :(

Does anyone watch that Jon & Kate plus 8 show? I don't, but from the little I've seen, those parents are annoying
and their kids are going to grow up to be huge spoiled brats with prison records and ugly tattoos.
It'll happen, YOU'LL SEE!!! ;)

I'm going to post a picture of my booty to make the internet a nicer place to be.

It's been a while since I've drank rum. I must do something about that AND try to get into shape.

Ho hum. La dee frickin' da.


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