(no subject)

Oct 13, 2008 10:29

last Christmas, I was given a desk calendar with gorgeous photographs and inspirational quotes from Paramahansa Yogananda. The photos are so amazing that I can hardly wait to start shopping for wee frames to put them in. I confess that the quotes run the gamut of "oh that's so lovely!" to "hmm, interesting." to "what?" but the one for week before last was a keeper, if I do say so, and was accompanied by a picture of a penguin leaping feet first off an ice flow into the water, which made me grin every time I looked at it.

Here's the quote:

"You are a child immortal. You have come to earth to entertain and to be entertained."

I'm liking that way of thinking about the world right now. I'm tired of worrying and being scared all the time. I think that I'll concentrate a little more on being entertained and entertaining for a while and see what that feels like.

Happy Monday.

*rides off on unicycle*

life: spirituality

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