Aug 12, 2004 01:53
Damn, since all you bumbs have dissed me I've had to make knew friends out in Winston Salem. Today was great, I got free beer from these two hot chicks named Catherine and Lauren who have become my gurls. To my surprise this girl Lexi I just met was wasted, and being the overly nice guy I can be, I took care of her bubbly ass. It was sweet, she keep rubbing her ass into my dick, but sadly it didn't do much for me. :( Yeah, but she asked me if I liked her skirt, and of course I did, it was a hot little black # then she preceeded to ask me if I'd care to see what was under her skirt, DAMN!!!!!!!!! I was tempted, but I am a gentlemen, and I couldn't take advantage of her like that. Anyway, anyone not too busy give me a call sometime, 408-2224 is my cellie. I wanna chill with my DC friends again as well. Missing all the familiar faces, somebody come over and SPOON with me, hahahahahaha. I'll serenade your ears with the lovely lyrics of Anthony Keidis (The only person I idolize), and relax you with a massage fit for a king.
Omni sunt formosa
(All are beautiful)