but when you look at them and you see beautiful thats how i feel about you.

Jan 26, 2009 16:59


Thats what Tami always textsin replace of like, ahhh, er uhh, or erg. Ugug.

I just slept for like 3 hours, and i got a decent amount of sleep lastnight, but this weekend kicked my ass, big time. On friday Sam and I went to dinner at Buca, then we went to a few bars and then to lacage with Will and his Husband, and Keely and Colleen showed up (although i never actually saw Colleen). We did a large amount of dancing, and a decent amount of drinking, and we ate some stolen cake too! Oh, it was perfect, and it was so perfect to be with Sam, just having fun as though we could be friends.

Saturday, we (Sam and I) went to lunch at La Estacion (delicious!!), and then to his house to get his phone charger, then back to milwaukee where he slept at my place while I worked. (And i kicked ass, btw!)

THEN, we went to Cubanitas, which is a little cuban restaurant with Mojitos! (I'm not a lush, i swear) We ate friend plantains and this amazing empanada with cheese and spinach in it, and it changed my whole life. Then we went to this dive bar called the Roman Coin and then to sleep!!

ON Sunday I went to Chicago with ma familia. It was very nice to see abbie, and we went to a huge fabric outlet store in Pilsen, and we ate dinner in New china town. We went to Target and it was just nice to hang out for the day. I then bought much needed ice cream on the way home for my family, and we went home for some sleep!

Thats my weekend.

Fuck Yea.
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