The Rare Book Room It Ain't [Complete]

Sep 04, 2011 16:16

Who: Rukia, ghost girl, open?
Where: The Library
When: Day 001, early afternoon
What: Too many questions, not nearly enough answers
Warnings: Possible attempted violence and/or language, hopefully neither. Also, potential cute. Diabetics, you have been warned.

Ever since she had awoken, Rukia had known something was wrong. The pressure (from whatever its unseen source) had increased dramatically, the chill in the air was close to bone-aching, and she was catching glimpses out of the corner of her eye of a young girl, about a foot shorter and several years younger than her own apparent age.

The girl was not completely unlike the stronger human souls of her own experience, really. Except this one had a far more solid 'feel' than those, and there was no chain in evidence, nor a hole where one might have been before. Could she be like the spirits in Rukongai, having been exorcised and freed from her human body?

Had she ever been human to start with?

The idea gave Rukia a physical chill down her spine that momentarily rivaled the spiritual one. None of this made any sense at all.

Finally, in the children's nook in the library, Rukia decided to face her follower. "I know you're there," she said without turning. "Is there something you want with me, or are you just an observer?"

@first house: first floor, *open, kuchiki rukia (bleach), &day 001, #the girl, *complete

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