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Sep 03, 2011 22:09

Who: Leon S. Kennedy, Liz Sherman, Hyuuga Hizashi
Where: Dawn Room
When: Day 1, some little bit after noon
What: Seeing about lighting fire places and finding strange notes
Warnings: None so far

Dance Into the Fire )

@first house: first floor, *open, &day 001, #the girl, leon s. kennedy (resident evil), hyuuga hizashi (naruto), liz sherman (hellboy)

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sparkys_fire September 4 2011, 03:27:29 UTC
It felt like a week to her. It seemed like they had been there forever. She had three books from the library next to her but none of them were helpful at all. Curled up in a chair in the Dawn Room she had pretty much decided this was her chair.

The things she kept seeing here were crepey, but all part of a puzzle. Still, she needed to get her head around it. There were other people here but she hadn't gone to talk to many of them yet. Too busy trying to get her head on right. She couldn't show her fire or else she'd look really out of place. A freak here. So far people seemed normal.

She had shivered though. It was cold in the house and she couldn't lite a fire up? Her skin would feel the cold and unable to fix that she shivered once in a while. When Leon spoke she blinked, breaking out of her thoughts to look up.

"Mmm, a bit. It's not the warmest of houses."


withmyownwill September 4 2011, 04:45:05 UTC
Hizashi had been frozen by the chiming of the clock as though paralyzed, each echoing chime ringing like a bell through his bones; the constant, pervasive chill felt more bitter now, and the eyes--the eyes. The sense of being watched felt overwhelmingly more intense now. As though the laughter wasn't chilling enough.....

It only felt worse because he knew it shouldn't be. What would possibly be sinister about the joy of children?

He couldn't help but question himself, nearly as much as this..... this place, in the end. Why should he even feel that way? And how could he have not noticed a little girl slipping up to him? She had to have approached unnoticed under the sound of the chimes and laughter..... That was the only explanation for how suddenly he was aware of her. He frowned and turned to look, only to see nothing at all--his frown only deepened as he realized she was just as suddenly the opposite direction. How was she doing that? It was in the middle of a hallway! There was no possible way she could dart out of sight and ( ... )


allthekeys September 8 2011, 06:49:36 UTC
She flitted quietly on the edge of his vision, somehow, impossibly, staying almost completely in his blind spot. Scowling visibly as he stepped closer to the Dawn Room and it's occupant.

"Don't go that way, Hizashi. Stay and talk with me. That man is bad. He might hurt you. He threw Liz on the ground." She could see Liz, and the angry loud man who took her things away, and she wanted Liz to come join them. But she wanted Leon to stay as far away as possible.

Liz, Liz, come meet my new friend. You should come this way. You should come away. You want to come this way.

It was low, only a voice inside her head, ignored easily enough, but persistent. Easy to ignore, if she wanted to ignore it.


rpddropout September 8 2011, 17:20:23 UTC
The temperature overall felt fine to Leon, but he was also wearing his jacket, so any chill may not have seeped in for him. Plus, being of a larger build, he held his heat better. These were the things he thought when Liz said it wasn't the warmest of houses, unaware that much of his lack of feeling as chilled as her was the fact his supernatural senses were on a lower scale.

Still, being the gentleman he was, Leon slid the coat off his shoulders and tossed it to her. "Here. No use you freezing."


sparkys_fire September 8 2011, 18:35:25 UTC
Liz jumped a little bit as his coat was tossed to her, her hands catching it up easy enough. She looked a little surprised at first, about ready to say no, it was alright. After all, she could warm herself up... if she wasn't being so stubborn and pigheaded to look somewhat normal. To know about the paranormal didn't mean you were paranormal. A flick of her fires and she could be toasty but her worries about what others would think would seep back ( ... )


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