[Paperwork | Active | Open]

Sep 02, 2011 21:52

Who: Luke Skywalker and whoever
Where: The study, to start with.
When: Day 001, just after noon.
What: Luke's trying to get his bearings in the house.
Warnings: N/A

Luke blinked and closed the book he'd been flipping through in amazement. He'd been exploring, opened a door, and been confronted with the sight and scent of more treepaper books than he'd ever seen in his life.

Most reading material was distributed electronically, on datapads and terminals and holographic displays. Trees were too valuable and luxurious a product, or too necessary to the cultures of the planets they grew on, to make into pulp for paper. Some preferred it still, as a display of how much wealth they had to throw around. The Jedi didn't really have the available resources to buy paper, much less treepaper books, and it was just easier to put things out to everyone's datapads. So encountering so many books made of real paper was a staggering sight. He'd picked up the first one he'd come to and started reading. Now his eyes ached and one of his knees hurt from standing so long. Scrubbing at his face, Luke put the book back on the shelf and looked around, wandering between the shelves until he came to another door not the one that he'd come in through. Curious, Luke reached out--

And then jumped back, hand going to his lightsaber as the sound of a bell tolled through the house. One, two, three... twelve chimes in all, and the last one brought chills with it. Laughter, the sound of children he could not see, that he knew weren't there... and the sound of little feet running between the bookshelves. The door he'd been about to open did so on its own, revealing a comfortably-appointed room for just a moment, then slammed shut again. His spine tingled with warning in the Force, but it wasn't an immediate attack. It was that sense of being watched, like every move he made was being scrutinized in some way.

Was the last bell still ringing? There was some kind of ringing in his ears... digging in one with a knuckle, Luke reached out for the door again, despite the idea that he would open it on something horrible. But all there was beyond it was a room, and the eerie sense of being watched.

ada wong (resident evil), luke skywalker (star wars), *open, &day 001, #the girl, liz sherman (hellboy)

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