Who: Kari, the Photographer, and possibly the Sphinx.
Where: The Parlor, to start with.
When: Night 004 (just a little backtagging. Just a little.)
What: Kari (and possibly others) meets the Photographer during Night 4. ??? ensues.
Warnings: None yet.
The temperature was rapidly dropping; it was starting to remind her of the colder southern reaches back home. Sidetracked as she had been, she still had plenty of time to make it back to the hospital beyond the basement, assuming the dirt hallway hadn't been overtaken by some horrible collaboration between monsters and rendered a deathtrap.
Surely that wasn't the case.
She also had enough time to grab a fur coat from the closet just off the entrance hall; she couldn't believe she'd hadn't had a winter coat on her to begin with, but she hadn't exactly had a great situation supply-wise before she'd arrived. Luckily the house at least seemed to have supplies on-hand.
Just a quick trip through the parlor, now. Grab something from the kitchen, and then she'd be off. Her shotgun rested, ready in her arms.