
Dec 03, 2011 02:51

Who: Toboe and Mello
Where: Sewing room then moving to the journey room
When: Night 004
What: It's a finding things party!
Warnings: Mello's existence. Toboe derp.

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&night 004, giotto (katekyo hitman reborn), mello (death note), *closed, toboe (wolf's rain), @first house: second floor

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is_not_number1 December 11 2011, 19:55:46 UTC
"I don't," Mello answered flatly.

It didn't matter that he had no idea why the kid was so focused on the tape's scent. The house's population already consisted of more than enough screwballs, though. It was more likely than not that Toboe was simply able to smell something that he couldn't. Stronger senses, perhaps? In any case, if whatever the kid was doing could help him find out whether there had been other tapes had been placed around the house, it was probably a useful asset.

"Likely." He nodded, though not bothering to look back at the kid. "I want to find out if there are any more of them."

He got onto his knees to crawl behind the mannequins in the corner so that he could search around the wall behind them. He wasn't entirely sure where to start looking, but he supposed it would be a decent plan to make sure that there was nothing else in this room before moving on.

Of course, it was perfectly probable that this was the only tape and that one of their fellow prisoners had accidentally left it on the table, but it would be useless to assume so much without bothering to search. After all, that hadn't been the case with the notes.


badatfetch December 11 2011, 21:03:59 UTC
He beamed, well, if the little plastic thing smelled like what... he still didn't know his name...

Well, in any case he could probably sniff out what they were looking for. Toboe followed his friend to the... fake plastic humans... those were... kind of creepy, but he could ignore them.

"I.. um... don't think it's in here then..."

He couldn't smell anything like it in the room. There was a lot of other foreign things about... but nothing that smelled like the tape.


is_not_number1 December 11 2011, 21:29:44 UTC
Didn't think it was in here? Mello furrowed his brow as he thought. If it was true that Toboe was really able to tell that for certain, he could save more than enough time searching for more tapes.

"So what you're essentially saying," he remarked, "is that you can locate things by sniffing them out."

If this scent bullshit was serious, then the kid had to have some sort of enhanced senses. Considering that Mello had seen plenty of stranger things, especially in this place, it wasn't at all unbelievable.

He turned back to face Toboe again; it wasn't until doing so that he noticed that one of the mannequins he had crawled behind appeared to have had something stuck in its hand. It didn't look like anything terribly out of the ordinary-- just some sort of wooden block, apparently-- but still...

He reached up to try and pry the block out of the mannequin's hand, though it was only a few moments before he gave up. It was stuck too tightly to be removed manually; he'd probably have to find some sort of tool that would allow him to force it out.

"Got anything I could use to break this thing's hand?"


badatfetch December 12 2011, 01:49:24 UTC
"I can if it has a distinct smell."

Toboe watched the human curiously and patiently as he worked on the fake human's hand. When addressed he walked over, and placed his 'hands' on the mannequin's wrist and broke it off to hand to the stranger. Though in actuality it was a sharp bite that separates the hand from the arm.

"Here you go. What do you need it for?"


is_not_number1 December 12 2011, 20:10:42 UTC
Mello took a couple of seconds to gape at the plastic hand the kid was now offering him in some disbelief. In no way had he expected him to have been able to simply rip the thing's hand off.

In addition to having enhanced senses, Toboe was apparently unusually strong.

Taken aback or not, though, Mello could hardly complain. This made things considerably easier.

He stood up, crossing his arms as he continued to stare down at the kid. "Break its fingers for me," he demanded, his tone now decidedly sharper than it had been just a moment ago. "There's something stuck between them."


badatfetch December 12 2011, 20:17:50 UTC

And Toboe quickly got to work picking apart the fake hand, doing his best to be careful about whatever the stranger wanted from in between the fingers. It didn't take him too long before he pried out the piece, proud that he hadn't scratched it, and handed it up to his friend with a beaming smile.



is_not_number1 December 12 2011, 21:34:10 UTC
"Thanks," Mello answered curtly. He nodded before taking the piece of wood from the kid, and carefully held it up to examine it.

A wooden puzzle piece?

That, he supposed, was something else to keep an eye out for. Perhaps he'd go back after he'd listened to this tape and confirmed whether or not there were any more.

He pocketed the puzzle piece before making his way past the mannequins and crossing the room again. He stopped when he reached the door, firmly placing one hand on the knob, and turned back towards Toboe.

"You said there aren't any more tapes in here?"


badatfetch December 13 2011, 21:23:20 UTC
Toboe, of course, follows right behind Mello obediently, assuming he's allowed to follow his new friend along for a trip. Though he abruptly stops in his tracks when Mello turns around to avoid running into him. He blinked a few times before he could jump start his head into answering the question.

"Doesn't smell like it."


is_not_number1 December 17 2011, 20:59:06 UTC
"Well, then. Let's go." Mello opened the door and set off into the hallway, taking only a moment to glance back and briefly nod to the kid to suggest that he should follow.

He wasn't sure he trusted Toboe's self-proclaimed abilities, but the only way to find out whether or not he should was to go along with the kid. The worst that could come from it was probably nothing more than a futile search. That was hardly a risk; if Toboe was really capable of tracking scents like some sort of dog, he would likely be incredibly useful to have around.

And the fact that he was so readily cooperative certainly didn't hurt, either.

"Tell me," he added, "If you smell it anywhere else." His tone was still sharp, though not necessarily unfriendly. "Okay?"


badatfetch December 18 2011, 21:09:31 UTC

Toboe beamed and nodded and suddenly trotted ahead of the human, it would be easier without the other's smell wafting in his direction. It was times like these that he wished Hige was here. Sure, Toboe's sense of smell seemed to be better than a human's, but Hige could probably figure out where all the tapes just by standing in the hallway. As it was, Toboe needed to walk by the rooms, and possibly stick his head into the safer-looking ones to try to pick something up.

Or at least that was what he was expecting, before he suddenly got a strong waft of that particular smell. It was twinged with the smell of a human as well... a peculiar smelling human, but at this point he was beginning to think all the humans here had a peculiar smell to them. Toboe turned to Mello and pointed down the hall that he could pick the smell up on.

"There's something this way!"

And he starts running down the hal, following the scent until he caught sight of the source and latched onto it. He turns back to Mello with a big smile.

"I found it!"

And he starts to try and tuck at 'it', not exactly sure what 'it' was, until he noticed it was attached to something. The wolf looked up....

make that a someone.

Toboe very slowly let go of the bag and stepped back, looking up at the human very cautiously in case he might try to retaliate or yell at him for grabbing at the bag.


passed_torch December 19 2011, 06:24:41 UTC
He'd been guarding the door to the library and half-drowsing - just a little - when there was ...

Something worth a few headaches, since what first startled him out of it was the impression of something canine tugging at the bag, which immediately made him think of the Hellhounds - except there wasn't one of those twisted presences that close, this was natural, if odd, and -

And looking found what seemed to be a boy.

A boy where every bit of instinct he had was going "WOLF".

This was very confusing.

"...Can - I help you?"

He did shift the bag back a bit more secure - having something with valuable information grabbed like that was a bit unsettling - but the ... boy ... wolf ... person was more timid than anything.


is_not_number1 December 19 2011, 18:41:47 UTC
Admittedly, Mello hadn't expected for the kid to have found something-- or at least claimed to have found something-- this quickly. He took off running after Toboe, though he abruptly stopped in his tracks when he noticed that the thing he had found was nothing less than a person.

Well, this was both interesting and entirely unexpected, though not in any manner that he could say pleased him.

Potentially useful or not, this kid was dense at a nearly unbelievable level. Mello couldn't help but to feel as though the appropriate response to the situation would be to apologize for his dog's obnoxious behaviour and carefully explain that it was still in the process of being trained before moving on.

Instead, he simply stared at the guy Toboe had decided to latch himself onto for a couple of seconds, narrowing one eye in consideration, and glanced down at the camera bag before speaking up.

"What he probably means," he answered, "Is that he thinks you've got cassette tapes in your bag." His tone was flat, and he sounded distinctly unimpressed.


badatfetch December 20 2011, 02:06:27 UTC
Toboe just continued backing up until he was safely behind Mello. It was best to let humans deal with humans, especially if he wasn't familiar with them. While everyone he had met so far seemed really nice... he was still worried someone might try to hurt him.

Thankfully he couldn't smell any gunpowder on the stranger... but he couldn't shake that strange smell he couldn't quite place. It was best to be cautious at least, just until he knew that this human wasn't bad...


passed_torch December 20 2011, 02:56:07 UTC
Color him confused; "cassette tapes" was an unfamiliar term, and he was still trying to figure out why there was such a strong impression that the boy was a wolf. He shifted the bag to pull out one of the tapes from the basement, just to double-check. "If you mean these - then he's right."

He still wasn't sure what to make of either of them - the one wasn't threatening so much as just generally pricking, and the other...

Wolf? Boy? Wolf? Boy? It made no sense.


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