
Dec 03, 2011 02:51

Who: Toboe and Mello
Where: Sewing room then moving to the journey room
When: Night 004
What: It's a finding things party!
Warnings: Mello's existence. Toboe derp.

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&night 004, giotto (katekyo hitman reborn), mello (death note), *closed, toboe (wolf's rain), @first house: second floor

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is_not_number1 December 3 2011, 18:55:32 UTC
The fact that the house was filled with visible mist was unsettling, but not enough to give reason for the deep sense of dread that Mello had felt since nightfall. The tension was rather overwhelming, and he couldn't deny that he felt genuinely afraid. But as he couldn't even begin to place the source of this fear, he quickly decided that the best way to deal with it was to try and push it to the back of his mind and simply continue living.

In any case, the first thing to address was the newly fallen temperature of the house. The jacket he'd found earlier was no longer substantial on its own; he'd need find another layer of clothing. He sprinted down the hallway-- even if there didn't appear to be anything dangerous, it wasn't worth it to risk lingering-- and thrust open the door to the sewing room.

It wasn't until he was about halfway across the room that he noticed that the room had another occupant; some kid-- teenager, probably-- had apparently decided to take up residence under the table. While that was quite far from the ( ... )


badatfetch December 3 2011, 19:14:32 UTC
Toboe tried not to pay the human much mind at first, he didn't seem to mean any harm. He could help but watch curiously, though. He liked being around people, and the company set him at ease a bit- though he was quite surprised when he was actually addressed. He crept out from his hiding spot a bit to look up at the blonde.

"W-well, the room I was staying in didn't feel right... so I just came here. It seemed like a good place to stay." He paused for a moment, "U-um, that is, unless you're staying here..."

He didn't want to make the human upset, though he wasn't very keen on the idea of leaving this place either. Hopefully he would let him stay.


is_not_number1 December 3 2011, 19:46:55 UTC
Mello raised an eyebrow. So the kid hadn't been chased in here by some sort of vicious ghost, but had rather simply gotten a bad feeling about another room. How anticlimactic.

But certainly not disappointing. Anticlimactic answers were much more often relieving around here.

"Which room?" He didn't bother to look back at the kid as he continued rummaging through the boxes, pausing only when he found a rather thick pair of socks that he supposed might be a good idea to keep. He shoved them into the pocket of his jacket before moving on to another box.


badatfetch December 3 2011, 20:12:00 UTC
Which room... well... he didn't know what the rooms where called, or really how to describe them well.

"The one that's kind of high up."

He couldn't exactly verbalize how to describe the loft bedroom without any idea what a loft was in the first place. To him it was simply a more quiet room where he might be able to watch the humans and it had a good view outside.

Toboe finally crept out of his little hiding spot ans watched the human pick at things here and there. Maybe he lost something? Well he could probably help with that!

"Um... are you looking for something?"


is_not_number1 December 3 2011, 20:50:13 UTC
Kind of high up? The kid's description of the room wasn't a particularly good one. It would have made sense if he was referring to the room near the end of the next hallway that looked down onto a ballroom, but it was also possible that he meant the attic or the glass hallway over the greenhouse.

It wasn't until Mello found what appeared to be some sort of lighter jacket in the box that he glanced back over at the kid for a moment, furrowing his brow in some uncertainty, and sighed sharply. "Describe it further, please. There are a few like that."

He held back a sarcastic response to the kid's question-- was he looking for something? That much should have been able to go without saying-- and instead shook his head as he pulled the jacket out from the box and took a couple of seconds to examine it; it was probably good enough. "No," he answered flatly, "I've got it."


badatfetch December 3 2011, 21:04:50 UTC
He thinks for a moment, hmm... how to describe it...

"Well it's got windows... and a bed, you can look down and see a really big room!"

Toboe smiled and folded his arms behind his head casually. He decided he liked this human. He seemed nice, and while he could smell a gun, this was the first human who hadn't actually pulled it out on him. So... he should probably tell him his name! That's what humans did when they wanted to be friends, right?

"My name's Toboe!"


is_not_number1 December 4 2011, 02:05:42 UTC
Mello nodded as he took off the jacket he'd been wearing to put the new one on. Seemed as though the room the kid had been talking about was the one over the ballroom.

"What about it didn't feel right?" He couldn't tell whether what this kid was saying actually held any sort of significance, but it couldn't hurt to ask. Even if the kid didn't seem to be especially bright, whatever he'd been disconcerted about might have been important if it meant there was a reason to avoid that bedroom.

He glanced down to zip his jacket before putting the heavier one back on over it. "Great to meet you," he relied, though his tone was decidedly unenthusiastic. If anything, Mello didn't understand why Toboe was evidently so damn delighted to introduce himself.


badatfetch December 4 2011, 03:14:00 UTC
"Well, there was this music... but it sounded strange... and it just felt wrong, so I left."

Toboe leaned up against the table he was hiding under, then thought for a moment about what a human would do? He's seen them sit on these before, so he should try too. With a little hop he takes a seat on the edge of the table.

"What's your na-"

And the pup is cut short as his weight shifts the balance of the table causing one end to lift into the air. Unfortunately he does not have enough experience with table-sitting to deduce that that is a bad sign, and he should cease sitting activities immediately. So he just sits in a stupor until the table flips on him and he lets out quite the yelp.


is_not_number1 December 7 2011, 05:55:46 UTC
Strange music? Again, the answer was anticlimactic.

Mello took the socks out of his pocket and, after taking a seat on the floor, pulled his boots off in order to put them on over his own.

"I suppose you wouldn't be able to describe how it sounded wrong?" His tone was flat, and he didn't bother to look up at the kid as he posed the question; he'd focused his attention on lacing his boots, and didn't glance back up at Toboe until he somehow managed to crash the the floor after flipping the table he'd attempted to sit on.

He simply stared, unblinking, at the scene for a couple of moments. The kid's coordination, or apparent lack thereof, was really quite impressive.


badatfetch December 7 2011, 19:15:29 UTC
After doing a quick scramble from out from under the table, he frantically works at rectifying his mistake. He pushes the table back up the right way and scrambles to put everything back on the table properly. He paused briefly for a moment at a strange little box... with a thing in it. It looked strange. He held it up to his face and gave it a sniff... it had a strange scent. He had figured all the strange smells came form monsters and things he wasn't used to, but apparently it was just things like this too. He shrugged it off and put it back on the table too.

Once finished he looked over his shoulder nervously at the human.

"U-uh... sorry!"


is_not_number1 December 8 2011, 03:25:00 UTC
Mello raised an eyebrow as he continued to stare. "It isn't my table," he scoffed in response to the kid's apology.

Even if he did give a shit, the table would likely have been turned back right-side up and arranged properly again as soon as they had looked away. Setting it back up had probably been unnecessary.

He had only started to glance away again when whatever Toboe had picked up to look at-- or, more accurately, to sniff at-- caught his eye.

A cassette tape? Mello was nearly certain that hadn't been there the last time he'd looked.

He finished tying the laces of his boots and straightened the bottom of his pants before standing to make his way over to the table, picking the tape up and narrowing one eye in scrutiny as he examined it. "You haven't seen this before?"

It looked like nothing less than a regular tape. There was no way to tell whether the tape belonged to the house or had simply been left there by some prisoner who had passed through. But in either case, why the hell would someone leave a cassette tape ( ... )


badatfetch December 8 2011, 03:44:18 UTC
"Mm-mm..." Toboe shook his head. Nope, he hadn't seen it before. He hadn't seen one of those before ever.

He watched the human for a moment... well it didn't look like he was going to tell him what the tiny box was, nor was the answer on his face.

"Uh.... what do we do with it?"


is_not_number1 December 8 2011, 17:31:47 UTC
The kid, it occurred to Mello, probably didn't know what the tape was.

Right. He wasn't in his own world anymore.

The places the people here had come from were clearly different, and Soldato hadn't known what a phone was. It was just as likely that cassette tapes had never existed wherever this kid was from.

He glanced back up at Toboe, raising an eyebrow. "Do you know what it is?"


badatfetch December 8 2011, 17:38:15 UTC
He should his head no.

"N-no, I've never smelled anything like it before. What's it do?"

Of course he's seen similar things. It was like a tiny little book, or a box of cigarettes like the one's Granny smoked. But the scent was strange and foreign. There was plastic, but a faint smell of something else too. That something else was what made it notable. Maybe it was noble technology? He never got a very good smell of that, but what little he got from the ships that went by overhead, this wasn't related to them either.


is_not_number1 December 8 2011, 23:45:50 UTC
Mello narrowed his eyes, casting the kid a sceptical look. "You've never smelled anything like it before?"

He hadn't been sure why the kid had sniffed the tape, and had assumed it was just some sort of meaningless quirk of his. But apparently, it had been for some legitimate-- though undoubtedly bizarre-- reason.

Who the hell smelled things to identify them?

"It's a cassette tape," he answered dryly. "You can use it to record audio to play back later." He took a moment to glance back down at the tape, carefully turning it over in his hand. Whatever it might have been, he was nearly certain that it wasn't blank; the tape seemed to have been left about halfway through. If anything, it had undoubtedly been used before.


badatfetch December 9 2011, 00:09:14 UTC
"Well, it mostly smells like something familiar, but then there's a little funny smell to it that makes it different..."

S-so having to explain it meant that the human probably couldn't smell it, but it wouldn't have been nice not to explain it to him when he asked. After all, the human was nice enough to kindly explain the little plastic box thing for him!


He nodded in an understanding gesture... and waited. No noise... maybe it was broken?

"But I don't hear anything...."


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