Who: Susan Ivanova, Anyone/everyone
Where: Main entranceway
When: Day 003
What: Showing up in the hallway, and not amused at all.
Warnings: Possibly language
The viewscreen had changed. No, it was everything around her, like she was in a different place. Ivanova blinked and turned around. From the tumult of the Whitestar battle outside of Io, she was now in what looked to be a house? The quiet in contrast to the roar of engines and recoil of the ships cannon was almost deafening, so that it was a few moments before she could pick out the creaking of the boards and the sound of her breath.
This was wrong. Impact had been imminent, but surely the collusion hadn’t happened yet. So, she ruled out a dream, and was fairly certain that this was not death either. What kind of alien technology might have led her hear?
The other option was that this was a telepathic illusion, which meant that someone was in her mind. Her shoulders stiffened at the thought as she brought up shields to try to keep whomever it was out. But, she didn’t feel anything, not even a deflection or a person breaking or bypassing her shields; nothing to suggest that this was not exactly what it appeared to be.
Which left what? Some of the old ones had had technology that had seemed almost magic, but they were gone. All of the old ones she had found anyway, perhaps some had survived? But that made no sense, why would they use that kind of technology to put her in a house? Or, to make her think that she was stuck in a house? This was ridiculous, she had a battle to finish, or was that over?
“Who’s there?” She called. “Is someone here?” Her hand went to her hip to pull her ppg. The weapon sounded a small hum as it spooled up, armed and ready now. That alone worried her. If she had been left her weapon, that meant that either it was ineffective, or whomever had locked her here did not consider her enough of a threat to bother disarming.
Or it was a hologram or telepathic projection, and the weapon wasn’t real at all. She wasn’t about to discount that.