I love post-it notes.

Nov 05, 2006 14:13

I am so good at worrying. It's incredible how deafening your own thoughts can be. I have this insane talent for working myself up about insignificant things - or matters that are completely out of my hands. Lorraine (goodness gracious I love her) said something in class the other day that stuck with me - worrying is faith in reverse. I feel like that's a pretty true statement. All of this stems from doubts about something - mostly myself. The fact that I'm realizing this at all has got to be a good thing. There's just a lot that I need to let go of and stop trying to control - because I'm understanding more and more that most of this isn't up to me.

It amazes me, the amount of growing up I have done in the past year. There's a lot that's changed about the way I look at my life and the people in it. I've learned a lot about myself and the things (and the people) that are truly important. I realized (again) this weekend just how blessed I really am to have such incredible and beautiful people in my life. So that's good.

Whoever decided it was ok to leave me and Kata all alone for a weekend was insane. Neither of us have a voice of reason. Oh well, we had copious (ooh...good word) amounts of fun.
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