tamed_fox , you should get a twitter.
15 poets slammed, and I made it into the top eight. That means I'm competing on Thursday for one of four slots on the team we'll send to Nationals! Shockingly and thrillingly, I scored in the 9s range all across the board. And I only fucked up ONE line, and not even too badly! AND I pronounced esperar correctly BOTH times I used it! I doubt I'll actually make the team, because I KNOW what pieces Christabel, Aukeem, and Lauren are doing next and they're all waaaay good, whereas my second piece is more in the realms of decent. And everything Emily slams is smooth and pure golden, so she's a likely candidate too. That right there is my prediction for the team assembly: Christabel, Aukeem, Lauren, and Emily.
A bunch of my friends couldn't make it or just didn't show up, and that was sad. (Emdowd, I forgive you; you're across the world.)
I am off both food and homework until this whole poetry thing blows over a bit.
olaf47 , thanks for forcing me to eat.
I just signed myself up for a bunch of Gender Studies Symposium things. Because I have so much free time in my life. Oi. But one of them is introducing Andrea Gibson and her workshop, so I feel like that's somewhat redeeming.