And the Sun was shining…

Mar 07, 2010 17:23

Originally published at Modern Domestic Geek. You can comment here or there.

The sun came out today. It was out yesterday too. This has been very important, because I’ve been in a fit of the blues lately. I think it may have had to do with the cold, and the dark. I’m hoping with slightly warmer weather, my mood will lift - as will my willingness to post things on the blog. I’ve been in such a funk, I haven’t wanted to do anything.

And yes - for now - the Project is dead. I had a bad week of it - and I really felt like I was spending way more on groceries - just for ingredients for the Project - which was killing my budget - and at this point, I can’t justify the expense in making a whole lot of dishes that don’t lend themselve to left overs, and that didn’t go over very well. It was also affecting my weight loss. So - the Project is dead for now. Though it may come back for special occasions.

I need to get back on track with my weight loss - which means I need to stop the emotional eating. And baking stuff for people that is high in carbs and not good for me at all. So, hopefully I’ll be able to do that.

I do have some reviews coming - I just need to find pictures and put them in the post.

Welcome spring, even if it’s still a bit chilly - you are very much welcome and needed.


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