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I have an idea brewing for a project for the new year. I have goals for next year, and for one - I want to do a cooking project - similar to the Julie/Julia project, but something that won’t have Dan close to walking out the door, and something a little more timely. Not to disparage the J/J project - but Julie does mention that MTAOFC is out of date, using more cream and butter, and having recipes for aspic, which honestly - does anyone make any more.
Then I was chatting with a friend over Facebook, who hopefully you will be seeing featured here - he is the one who first got me to make soup. He told me that Alton Brown’s book on baking is essential if you want to become a better baker.
Which lead me to think - is Alton Brown the Julia for today? I need to think on this to expand on this concept, but I’m thinking for my 2010 project, that maybe I will dedicate myself to cooking the Alton Brown way. I know the Good Eats book will be under my Christmas tree, and I really want to pick up the book on baking. So the terms of the project will be developing over the next couple of week, but I’m starting to think.