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The holiday weekend is drawing to a close. It’s been pretty eventful - Thanksgiving dinner, cheesecake, and lots of WoW. Thursday was Thanksgiving. Friday was putting the up tree - and discovering the damage caused by a flood earlier this year. It was also my first girl’s night out in ages - which resulted in the next morning writing about 1000 words. Nothing to sneeze at. And yesterday was a visit from some very dear friends, and cooking. In WoW that is. Taking advantage of the Pilgrim’s Bounty holiday event - I maxed out my cooking - after going into the session with a 4. And today was a quiet day - I only went out to take Dan to the train station. It’s today I want to talk about.
I was supposed to bake cookies today, but ended up sleeping most of the morning away. When I did actually wake up - it was to play WoW. I played a lot of WoW today. Mainly because I hit level 39 last night, and wanted to get level 40 - and my epic mount. I’m a such a geek that way.
After my morning session, along with a rewatch of Firefly, I decided I should eat something besides pumpkin cheesecake. See - I’m on an eating plan, and took the whole weekend off. I’ve been very bad - yesterday I ate a carmel/chocolate covered apple from the candy store, along with the pumpkin cheesecake. So I decided to make scrambled eggs for lunch for myself.
Now - I’ve said here before that this blog is inspired my Julie Powell and how she cooked her way through Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Now I have no desire to make all the recipes in that book - though there are certain things I want to make. Last week I made the Potato and Leek soup, only I used onions. And after my first read through of the cookbook - I knew I wanted to try the recipe for scrambled eggs. So that’s how I made them this afternoon. They turned out just right - just as Julia had described them - more like a custard than eggs. I’m not sure what made them different - but they were good. I think I could have cooked them a little more - but then again, when I usually scramble eggs, I over cook them to the point where they are almost burnt. But this were so creamy - you would have thought I put cheese in them! So that was a pleasant discovery - that I can make really good scrambled eggs.
Then - I was supposed to make cookies and watch my niece for the afternoon. That didn’t happen. Instead I played a marathon session of WoW, probably one of the longest I’ve ever played. Along with hitting level 40 and getting my new mount, I also leveled up my fishing, so now I’m an expert, killed every single pig in Loch Modan, in order to obtain enough light leather to level up my leathermaking skills (which I didn’t accomplish), and I managed to clear several quests off of my list. And I had a great time doing it.
After the marathon session, all the time directing the Kid to do the laundry, I knew I should make a real dinner. Nothing fancy, but I did bring out my Cuisinart Mini Deep Fryer. I fried up some thinly sliced chicken breasts using a mixture of seasoned bread crumbs and the last of my panko breadcrumbs. As a side - I made up a frozen Trader Joe’s creamed corn. Well the kid and I tore into it - and there is nothing left. That was the perfect last cheat meal, and once most of it has digested, I’m having ice cream. For tomorrow is back to the low-carb eating of the Curves plan. Which works by the way. I’ve lost almost 20 pounds on it.
So it’s back to work after the holiday weekend. I hope yours has been as fun and fulfilling as mine was.