For the first time - the icon actually made sense.

Jan 12, 2005 10:22

Woke up from gastric pains before 5.
Agonized in bed til 5.20.
Called mother to come over at 5.20.
Chewed on weird tablet at 5.20.
Had mom sooth my tummyache til 5.40.
Went back to sleep.
Got woken up by mother at 6.35.
Realised a huge jam at 7.05.
Got to school on time.
Laughed at teacher for an hour til 8.30.
Called dad at 8.30, after realizing I had a slight fever and gastric pains.
Stayed in office for another 40 minutes.
Mom arrived at 9.15.
Went home - and slept.

...Now, to go or not to go Jap class at 6?
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