Hey guys, haha, it's been a while but since Thanksgiving is tomorrow, I just had to go ahead and post one of my favorite websites in the world:
www.PETAkillsanimals.com. (Liz, I'm sure you'll *love* this one :D)
I also reccomend
www.animalscam.com - it's another fantastic one run by the same group, the Center for Consumer Freedom.
Anyway, lessee. Life's been nuts, between trying to write up the college essay and NaNoWriMo, I've been insanely busy. Thanksgiving tomorrow looks to be really fun, except our turkey is going to be in the oven for over 7 hours. Geeeeez. the thing is 34 lbs - I have my doubts that we will be eating anything else tomorrow whatsoever. If we do, it'll have to be cooked in either the microwave or the toaster oven, seriously.
But the pies are looking really yummy right now. Teehee.
Of course, we have a 34 lb turkey and it's supposed to snow tomorrow, and the relatives are saying that if it's snowing, they're not coming. We're not supposed to get much, of course, but we'll see...sigh. And wouldn't it just figure, I'm sure we'll have a bright, snowy-white Thanksgiving and a dull dead Christmas. I'll betcha. Rawr.
Internet's been fucked up lately as well, of course. Last Thursday it went out, totally and completely, for 45 hours. Got it back Saturday afternoon and it's been jumping on and off constantly ever since, although it is getting better. Doesn't it just figure though, Norton's decided to fuck up on me and refuses to download ANY updates until I renew my subscription, which doesn't run out until December 1. *rolls eyes* Ah well.
Not much has been going on other than that, though. I'm trying to read through Dune again, I've been waking up early the last couple of days, and I'm doing all right mood-wise... so yeah, we shall see. Rhys is doing well too, he's been behaving nicely, and if the relatives do end up making it it'll be really good for him.
All of my goats have been bred, so now we're just waiting to see if they're all pregnant. Hershey and Gogo are due back in heat like, any day now, and Andie (who was the first bred, ages ago) hasn't come back into heat at all which is positively fabulous. Sugar and India were bred just last week, so I've got my fingers crossed on those two, especially since they're coming home this weekend, ahaha cough. Trish...well. We've bred her a couple of times, and we'll see. I'm going to cry if she's not bred this year, I really, really am. Sigh. I want my LaMancha doeling :(
And for those of you who I'm sure are just dying to know, No, I am NOT going to see Goblet of Fire. Quite honestly, the movies just make me feel like vomiting because they're practically a separate story with the same names :-P I've heard major things about GOF being too confusing for people who haven't read the books, and seriously it's just...argh. Sorry guys, it's just way too distant for me.
The Harry/Hermione crowd has been cracking me up lately though. Honest to God, I can't tell you how many pieces of fanfic I've read that started with an author's note talking about how JKR doesn't deserve to write Harry Potter anymore. WTF? Or that she's an idiot/moron/brainless zombie/what have you. Sorry, it's disgusting, it really is. Yes, I love the Harry/Hermione ship, but it was TOO fucking obvious that it was going to be Ron and Hermione from book 2 for crying out loud. Jesus. I have to say though, I do find Harry/Hermione fanfic to be superior over H/G or R/Hr, I think the H/Hr writers tend to be a better group of authors overall. Or it could just be the fics I've been reading, ahaha.
Oohhh yummy smells coming from the kitchen, must go check....
Ta guys ;)