Meme via
indelicateink . Pair your icons characters alphabetically. I have lots of icons, but most are of the same characters, so this wasn't an impossible task.
Ayasegawa Yumichika (Bleach) and Banri (Saiyuki); that's a strange one… well, they certainly won't be bored. Although I can't exactlly see what Yumichika (or anyone) would find a attractive in Banri. But nothing will be able to help Banri when he eventually tries to **** him over, so all is good.
Brad Crawford (Weiß Kreuz) and Cho Hakkai (Saiyuki). Ahahahahahaha… It would be pretty, what can I say. They'd kill one another in less than a week. And THAT wouldn't be pretty. I give an edge to Hakkai, because he's just so unpredictable. It would work as a one night stand (Hakkai would have to be very drunk and I'm not sure how you accomplish that).
Dokugakuji (Saiyuki) and Farfarello (Weiß Kreuz). Now, that's just cruel (almost as cruel as Doku's canon pairing). The nice demon and the not-so-nice fake demon. I can't see it working at all, on any level. They don't even fit in the 'their hate is so hot' cathegory. Farfarello possibly wouldn't mind Dokugakuji (he IS a sort of demon, after all is set and done, but I can only see poor Doku slowly stepping away). I can see them
Fujimiya Aya (Weiß Kreuz) and Fujimiya Ran (Weiß Kreuz). Uhum. This is awkward. Although fanfiction does exist. But most of the time I like to imagine their love a little bit more platonic, no matter how obsessed Ran is.
Gackt (J pop OC) and Gyokumen Koushu. If there's a pairing that deserved each other…
Hidaka Ken (Weiß Kreuz) and Hisagi Shuuei (Bleach). I'm neutral on this. Essentialy nice boys with issues and hangups that include male role models. Hmmm. I think it could actually work, but it wouldn't be anything special. More settling.
Hitsugaya Toshirou (Bleach) and Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Karibean). Step away, Jack, before he kills you. Poor Toushirou, can't get a break.
Kanzeon (Saiyuki) and Kenpachi Zaraki (Bleach). Mwahahahahahaha. Yes, please. There should be fanfiction. That one would be explosive.
Kenren (Saiyuki) and Kira Izuru (Bleach). A god and a shinigami. I've seen worse. Good for Kira (considering who he usually gets paireed with) and I don't think Kenren would mind, either. Another easy-on-the-eyes pairing.
Kougaiji (Saiyuki) and Kuchiki Rukia (Bleach). Wow. If she wasn't essentialy a dead gost, she'd be perfect for him (and I can see her liking him, too). They both come from noble families, look about the same age (but are in fact hundreds of years old), so there isn't even a squick, and pretty and decent. He needs a kick-ass wife and she needs a husband he could respect so it would work, I think. And he wouldn't look so bloody short next to her.
KuchikiByakuya (Bleach) and Kudou Youji (Weiß Kreuz). Mmm, pretty. So much pretty that it over-rides everything (including the fact that their personalities don't fit at all). I don't think they'd kill each-other, that's something, right?
Kurosagi Ichigo (Bleach) and Kusajishi Yachiru (Bleach). Let's wait for her to grow a bit, then we'll see, right? It could work that (and provide Kenpachi another reason to try to kink poor Ichigo's behind).
Kyouraku Shunsui (Bleach) and Lirin (Saiyuki). As said in the previous pairing. But she does have potential(s) to be of interest in a couple of years ;). It could work.
Naoe Nagi (Weiß Kreuz) and Nataku (Saiyuki). Ah, my poor boys. They can be gloomy together. They can kick demon ass together. And hold hands. They are too young for anything else (mass murder - ok, sex - no way).
Nii (Saiyuki) and poodles. You know, I wouldn't even blink an eye if that became canon. I'd just feel sorry for the poodles.
Sanzo Gensui (Saiyuki) and Schuldig (Weiß Kreuz). ROTFLMAO has never been more appropriate. I give Schuldig a couple of hours at most, before he's shot.
Sha Gojyo (Saiyuki) and Soi Fon (Bleach). Look at the previous pairing (different weapon of choice).
Son Goku (Saiyuki) and sunflower. Aww, sweet.
Supreme Overlord (Weiß Kreuz, fanfiction OC) and Takatori Mamoru (Weiß Kreuz). Hmmm… :o
Takatori Reiji (Weiß Kreuz) and Tea and croswords: good, he and a human being would squick me.
Tenpou (Saiyuki) and Tot (Weiß Kreuz). She's a bit too young and not his type, I think. He could be her not-sexual daddy (wow, that came out awkward).
Ukitake Juushirou (Bleach) and Yaone (Saiyuki). Sweet. A nice pairing. Two nice, giving, capable people. I can totally see it working.
Zakuro (Saiyuki). Poor guy. Even in the meme he pulls the short stick and remains alone.
this brilliance, thanks to
daegaer .