Answers to 10 Frequently Asked Questions

Mar 29, 2005 16:08

I apologize to the few of you who find interest and entertainment in reading my rantings and ravings. My home computer has been dead for months due to my rabbits chewing the wires, and work has been too nutty for me to update.
But since you all have asked:
1. I am officially done with the morning sickness (I hope).
2. To my despair, I look chubby, not pregnant.
3. The girls in my pre-natal class drive me nuts, especially the ones who look chubby, not pregnant, and yet wear maternity clothes. The only one I like is from Japan and barely speaks English. But she makes the most sense.
4. "Quickening" happened last week. I was meeting Liam in a restaurant for lunch and I cried until he got there. We heard the heartbeat on the Doppler, and the doctor said it had a "good clip" which made me think of a horse.
5. A baby moving inside you at 4 months pregnancy feels kind of like someone is nibbling you from the inside.
6. Liam and I chose to have a midwife as our primary practitioner because we believe it is the best option for us. We are not having a home birth, but I don't want medical intervention unless I am cracking my own teeth from pain. Furthermore, I am more comfortable having a woman I know and like delivering my baby than having to become intimate with "whoever is on call" in one of the most exciting/challenging experiences of my life. So please, no more "wich comments", our midwife is an RN, has full hospital privileges, and can prescribe some meds.
7. I will work for as long as I can until the birth seeing as I am the lead in the summer show and my pregnancy was written in. Then, I will enjoy a full year off and still earn most of my salary.
8. I get a kick out of the fact that whoever they get to replace me in the summer show will have to wear a pillow...
9. Pre-natal class has made me more nervous than I was before.
10. According to Chinese Gender Prediction charts, our baby will be a girl. Liam and my mom have a feeling it's a boy.
So that's the scoop for now kids, and I'll try to be better at updating. I am also working on downloading my wedding pictures for those of you who missed out on the big event.
Becky, I hope Paris was grand. I had a dream that you got to your hotel and they made you sleep in a locker, which as you probably found out, is the size of most hotel rooms in the city of lights...
Love and Kindness

midwifery, with child

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