I haven't seen my computer in almost two weeks. I'm surprised it made it through this ordeal. Well, the unfortunate news is that my computer was saved. Yay.... not. Apparently it was infected with a "several" viruses. The
Geek Squad sorted it out. It only took them FOREVER. I am now attempting to summarise the past few days.
Note: This is probably going to be the longest entry I am ever going to make.
The last few days of June... I did nothing. I was bored out of my mind. I watched my entire DVR list. I watched Live TV. (GASP!!!) I read. A lot. I especially liked reading
The After Life by Daniel Ehrenhaft.
The first few days of July passed the same way. I regularly used my cell phone to check Gizmodo and HPANA. The iPhone came out and I couldn't even enjoy watched people smash iPhones on Gizmodo thanks to my phone not supporting flash. And since The Daily Show and The Colbert Report went on vacation I had to read the newspaper.
I would have watched CNN but, no, my mother thinks CNN is boring. Boring? How is the news boring? (Also, why is CNN my go to news source? Because, the only the two news channels I have is CNN and HNN, and frankly, I don't like Glen Beck.) I also tried watching evening news, but I got frustrated with all the fluff they put in the news. And I am to lazy to wake up early in the morning to watch
KTLA like I do during the school year.
And the July 4 rolled in and... I was forced to go on "vacation." HA. Vacations are relaxing, and fun. THIS ONE WAS NOT. It was interesting though, I guess.
July 4 - I was forced to get in the car and we drove to the sequoias. Oh, and we got to stop in lovely Bakersfield.
First things first, I live in a place surrounded by mountains and hills. It's also fifteen minutes from the beach (driving) and gets a lovely ocean breeze. My school is built on a hill. It's exhausting to walk from my classes at the bottom on the hill to the ones on the top. To walk to school, I walk through many sloping sidewalks. My house is at the bottom of one of the largest hills. All these hills and mountain peaks are visible from my house. AND I LIKE IT.
Now, let my describe Bakersfield: Hot and Flat. [sarcasm]Oh, joy.[/sarcasm] Needless to say, I felt almost anti-claustrophobic from the all the flatness. And forget any cooling sea breeze. Heat wave in Central California, goody!
And then... we made it to the sequoias. While, there was hills and mountains there (you can't imagine my relief at that) I still felt like I was in well, hell. It was hot. No, hot does not begin to describe it. It was scorching, broiling, burning, fiery, scalding, sweltering, etc. I retreated to the hotel room and blasted the air conditioner.
July 5 - We (my parents and I) woke up early (6 freaking AM - does the word vacation mean anything to them!) to... do nothing really. I've been to
Sequoia National Park four times now. This time, all I can remember is how hot it was.
Mostly, that's the view. It's pretty when it's not summertime.
This Crescent Meadow which is really gorgeous, even in the heat, and this photo and the one below just do it justice.
There is a downside to Crescent Meadow; you can't actually step in/on the meadow.
July 6 - We make it to San Francisco. As soon as we arrived there we got gas, and I stepped out of the car. And I thanked the gods for the Pacific Ocean. The heat that effected the rest of the Southwest... didn't feel a thing. It was foggy (surprise... as if) and cold.
My dad followed the signs. Which pretty much sucked. But at least there were signs.
We went to the Golden Gate Bridge first and I laughed inside at all the shivering tourists not used to the weather. They were amusing.
This is the view off the Golden Gate Bridge. Think I was kidding when I said it was foggy?
There's not too much traffic on bridge at 9:00 AM.
We also visited my on personal nightmare - Fisherman's Wharf. I dislike tourists, fish, smokers, the smell of fish, dead fish, fish being cooked... etc. So, Fisherman's Wharf was not my favorite place.
This was a typical street around Fisherman's Wharf.
Surprise, surprise. I snagged a paper (
The Epoch Times) covering the iPhone. Oh, Gizmodo withdrawal.
July 7 - Now that we were out of the city, my dad was a whole lot calmer. He hates cities.
We spent the morning in Monterey. Look, it's Cannery Row. (Of Steinbeck fame)
I'm pretty sure this is still apart of the aquarium. I'm not entirely sure. I kept thinking what a wonderful hospital it could be. I'm really strange, I know.
We also drove down to
Big Sur. I've finally found the place where I would love to live: Big Sur. It's beyond gorgeous, sparsely populated but close enough to towns. And the houses are all on seaside cliffs.
I could so do this.
The coast is too... it's wow-worthy. My camera cannot now capture the deep blue, almost purple color of the ocean. At all.
More pretty coast!
Also went to
Hearst Castle. I want that pool.
Then we went home. That's about it.
Wow, this is ending up to be a very long entry. Also, it took two days to finish. Daunted yet? Don't be! There are pictures to distract you.
I also saw Ratatouille on opening night. I loved it. It was clever and creative and you must see it. If you haven't already. That's all.