Jul 17, 2005 00:05
why is it that when u feel down and rather alone, buddies from the past call u up for pizza and a movie? anyways, went to the gallery today, paid the rest of the money i owed. apparently alot of ppl have been checking it out. iv had numerous ppl say they want me to paint bigger. so i think i shall. possibly 4"+ bigger. jackie has sold 6 pieces, super awesome. apparently london had a art walk on this week or something, holly didnt kno about it so we werent on the map for a stop, but ppl still came anyway, including a ppl taking down our names and taking photo's, so hopefully we can get some publicity outta that. also the owner of axis studios in the market was there and very pleased with the work (she bought one of jackies pieces) so maybe i can use that contact to get into axis studio, cause that would rock. i will admit iv been a bit down cause no one has made an offer to buy my work, but as long as ppl acknowledge my work its fine. and who knows maybe once i do some large works ill get more attention that way. in any case i hope my mom gets her shop up and running soon so i can build some stretchers for more canvasses.
in other news, im heading to portland oregon in a week. thus will be the farthest away from home iv ever been, and first time outta this timezone. but ill get to see where nikki grew up and actually MEET courtney and angie and the gang, as well as hang out with cindi again. (iv heard rumors of a potential party there, if u have not heard these rumors take this as a hint that there will be a party while im there, booze and weed r manditory) speaking of which, who down there would like to hook me up with a little green during my visit??? and i guess ill need a hook up for booze as well, i keep forgetting that ur nation is stupid and has the highest drinking age in the world, yet the most underage alchoholics,. but yea just in case, i dont think ill have a problem with that, but just incase. (what im planning ahead, dont want any last minute mess up and end up dry)
well thats all for now i guess. sorry its been so long. cya latrs, and those in portland, SEE YOU SOON!!! (run, run now while u still can, stage one of operation 'eh about to commence!)