Jan 31, 2005 04:35
ohhh the jopys of happyness, im a hypocrite tecnically as well!
im right well pissed ebcause laurel went back to jason, who slaped and spit at ehr, id otn knowwhat to do about her, and since no one reads this, i can jabber about it all i bloody well wish to! yay! and she wont listen to me, nick, sarah, david....anyone! i want to smack her like jason did, maybe she'll get some sense!
but at the same time, i went back to ben, whom i also told i loved him, can you believe that? i met him when i was 14 online, he had just turned 16 i was almost 15 blah blah but we ad this nice eoff and on relationship for 2 years then he dumped me a week before valentines and we calle di quits (much emotional damage for me) and 3 boyfirneds later, i still love the ass and i told him so know he bloody knows it! what the hell am i thinking? he's goingtowalk al over me again! i know this! i do!! but do i listen to that tiny conciencious of mine? hell no! i charge forward and tell him i want to amrry him and have his kids, how much more stupid can i get?!