So, LOST is over. Forever. I thought I'd be horribly depressed because it would be a terrible ending, but it was really was a beautiful end. I cried the last five minutes, starting when Jack started crying and then harder when Christian said 'Everyone dies sometime.' I cried like 50 times through the whole time though, when Hurley cried, when Locke had his memories back, Sun and Jin, Juliet and Sawyer, Charlie and Claire.. oh Sayid and Shannon.. when I rewatch it I'll remember the rest. I cried pretty much the whole time. And how it ended like it began, with Vincent and the shoe in the bamboo.. and Jack's eye closing. T.T
But yeah, I feel strangely at peace. I mean, who cares if we didn't get answers? I love the way it ended, how it wasn't about the Island. It was about the people, as LOST always has been.
Just one thing bugging me- how did Ben get out from under the tree? Coz when he saved Hugo I was like noooo if Ben dies I'm killing someone and then after UnLocke died he was just there again and I was like wut.. oh well he's alive.
Have I mentioned I love Locke? I thought he was an annoying old man for the first four seasons, and I only appreciated him once he was dead.. it was so nice seeing the wise Locke again. I missed that guy.
Oh yeah, and how come no Karl at Alex's school? It would've been nice to just have a little bit with him maybe asking her out or something..
Probably more on this later.
I was listening to this all yesterday, and I cried all day long. I showed it to my whole family and my mom, my sister and her boyfriend cried.
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