Jun 06, 2011 21:00
Alright now I'm conflicted. My aunt has now offered to let me off the hook with the boat thing in Greece and instead go to Prague with my dad, who has been there before to visit his long lost relatives, and I would much rather do that instead of go to Greece. The problem is that I really would like to see a concentration camp (my dad went to Auschwitz last time he was there) but my mom is quite sure that it would affect me too deeply and it would stay with me for too long, and that it would ruin the rest of the trip and possibly the summer. And I can see where she's coming from, because I kind of cried for days after seeing Schindler's List, and last semester when I was taking Holocaust Studies I may have cried after almost every class, buuut I don't know when I'll get an opportunity to visit anything like this again. So.. yeah.