So I'm back.. I have lots of pictures from teh trip, but I'm too lazy to upload them right now, soo yeah. I'm glad to be back, two weeks away from home was quite a long time. I missed my cat a lot (because my aunt and uncle have two really aloof cats, and my kitty's really doglike, so I missed the affection from her) and this morning she came into my bed and slept with me for a couple hours, so that was nice <3 also I slept until 2 in the afternoon today. It was nice.
Oh! And I officially started watching Adventure Time. I watched a couple online and then saw Freak City last night on TV (I've been listening to Finn's song nonstop since then) and tried to watch more today, but I can't find any websites D: So that sucks.
Yeah so there were lots of things I wanted to say about the trip.. hum.. whatever I'm sure I'll remember when I get those IKEA pictures off the camera.
Oh yeah we went to a comic store in New York and unfortunately they only had volume 6 of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac (and I'm only on volume 2..), but they did have Squee's Wonderful Big Giant Book of Unspeakable Horrors, which was 15$, but I lied to my mom and said I only had 10 so she'd pay the extra 5, and then she said she'd give me a 5 back if I asked the clerk something (she said something about 'working to get rid of my fear of asking salespeople questions' -__-), so I ended up only paying 5 bucks. Good deal. And I really want to start reading it now, but as I said I'm only on issue 2 of JtHM, so I feel like if I read Squee now then when I finish JtHM I'll be depressed that I hadn't saved it, sooo idk what to do. I'M LOOKING AT YOU,
So yeah. *will write more later probs*
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