First Day Funk

Oct 08, 2007 18:11

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I should've known. I was told to be at the training facility for my first real job ever at 630 am today. They are so full of sh*t! I had to wait 'till 700 for things to start moving. For a company who trains a lot of new employees every year, they seemed to be really lacking in experience. Then going home, I had to wait in line for about an hour just to log out of their infernal (due to the circumstance) facility. Tomorrow would be the same thing no doubt.

The orientation was an infuratingly trifle borefest. They gave us manuals and to me that's all that's necessary. But, they just had to read almost everything of half of it today. They're saving the next half for tomorrow. There are also a lot requirements and forms to fill. I suppose that comes with the territory. (I don't know how and where to get an NBI, Police, and Barangay Clearance and a Birth Certificate because I can't find a copy at home.)

Reading through the manual, I felt dehumanized. I suppose that comes with the territory as well. Institutions dehumanize in order to achieve and maintain order and efficiency. But as it is, I guess I would have to work slowly so that I won't have a lot of time when I start working since I'm only doing reports. They gave too many restrictions that triggered my inner liberal even though drowning me in freedom would have the same effect that they originally desired.

It just dawned on me earlier while talking to some of the other new employees that I have basically no idea what my job is. I don't know where I'll be posted. I don't know the full job description. I don't know who is going to be my superior. I don't know what part of the call center company I'm going to be in. But then again, that's why I'm at the orientation - to learn about these stuff (which I didn't much on the first day).
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