Heya all, it's been a year. Been trying to login here but I kept mistaking my password, which caused LJ to lock me out thus demotivating me from coming back here for a few times already. So I finally reset my password this time.
Life update wise, the webcomic gig went down the drain because MangaMagazine/Inkblazers closed down and I became busier with my production manager job anyway. I just... overall draw less and less now, so I'm not in the best shape in regards to that. I play games mostly after I finish work but nothing new there.
If you're wondering which games exactly, it's FF14 and some Falcom titles (Zero no Kiseki, Tokyo Xanadu, etc...). I played and enjoyed Tales of Zestiria a lot earlier this year and it finally came to the west a few days ago, so congrats NA and Europe! Enjoy the yaois and debate all you want. I also really like the visual novel series
"fault", if anyone digs that genre.
Hmm. Work and games. That pretty much describes my life now, I suppose.