[KH358/2Days] Novel vol 1 trivias

Oct 01, 2009 07:55

So NA KH 358/2 Days is out a couple of days ago while the JP 358/2 Days novel also came out yesterday. I read it a bit and there are some interesting trivias in it, so I'm logging some of my reaction tweets again. Also logging @jen_kat and @dreamlife613's replies to my tweets to keep consistency of info-logging.

  • KHの新刊ノベルスの裏表紙はシュールすぎるってばwwww posted at 19:10:56
  • @jen_kat Yeup! It has 1, 2, and 7 lounging around but glaring back at you. ;;; posted at 19:19:17
  • Re: 358/2 novel > Axel thinks Roxas looks 10 years younger than him, so Axel might be around 25 years old...? posted at 22:31:10
  • Also, Axel mentioned that nobodies don't (have) age, but... uh... that's just weird, considering Roxas/Namine look like they did grow older posted at 22:33:39

  • @jen_kat
  • @maikister couldn't the aging be attributed to how Roxas and Namine became nobodies?

  • @dreamlife613
  • @jen_kat @maikister OH YEAH, I remember in the Secret/Diz/Etc Reports was said that they were special in the fact that they also aged IIRC

  • @maikister
  • Hey @Maxsterism, 358/2 novel hints Luxord->Larxene lolol posted at 23:04:15
  • . @Maxsterism @feeru When Demyx was complaining about Larxene, Luxord was kinda defending her 8D I mean, WHO DOES posted at 23:28:45
  • novels, kingdom hearts

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