(no subject)

Aug 07, 2008 00:22

After club activities today, I spent time with ilunari and slay_x at Shibuya today and in the end I got

(lame cellphone photo, I know, but bear with it)

THANK YOU, VIC. I... can't buy you souvenires due to my lack of money but I'll repay you someday... someday! With something! that isn't money, nevaaaaahhhh

It was also fun chatting with Iluna; we really should hang out together much more often since there isn't much distance between where we live dangit. >3> I just remembered we still haven't played Taiko together yet!! I suck now, though.

Oh right, I just remembered today is Vesperia's release date. *reuses this from website diary*

Sad Emil is sad. Remember! SPOILERS GO UNDER CUT. Unlike Trusty Bell, I wanna keep myself not spoilt at all on this game. Unless Pixiv's gonna start spamming fanarts of it like P4 did, therefore I still get spoilt ARGH! I'm in love with that SN2Reim-lookalike/silver-haired guy thanks to a site I frequently go to. D:

Speaking of Trusty Bell! There's a PS3 Trusty Bell Fanart Countdown going on at opus9no1! Go join and draw Fugue!!

art, macross f, tales of vesperia

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