Not a good day

May 27, 2008 18:34

While I was at school today, my bicycle got taken away because I parked it a bad place. My fault. I'm too lazy to try bother with the police because I don't actually own that bike anyway* so I decided to buy a new bike. My old bike was old anyway.

But I also bought a B2-size (read: HUGE) art board for my assignment. It couldn't fit into the new bicycle's basket of course so I had to hold it by hand while pedalling on the way back home. This caused me to have a hard time moving forward. This also caused me to have a hard time pulling the brakes. Which caused me to almost crash into an old man who was cycling too and he scolded me for that. I was too lazy to retort back therefore I decided to act dumb and just answered "Sumimasen" and leave it be.

There's still 6 more hours until the day ends. I get the feeling something else bad will come up. =_=;;

AT LEAST MY NEW BIKE HAS A STEEL PLATE FOR YOU TO SIT ON THE BACK, SO HAH. I can finally cycle Feria around instead of just walk with her. 8D SHUT UP, FERIA, I HATE WALKING THAT MUCH.

* Everyone has to do this registration for ownership of bicycles every time you buy one. It's a security control system, where you can just report to the police if you lost your bike and they can search it for you. Or the police could randomly stop you on the road and make a check if you own the bike or not. (It happened to me once) The thing about my bike was that I got it from a friend 2 years ago for free, back when I was still living in Tokyo. That friend already moved and is currently studying at Nagoya, I think. And that friend actually got the bike from another friend who I have no idea where she is now, anyway. And now I'm living in Saitama prefecture, miles away from where I used to live. And we never bothered to change the ownership of that bike. So if I complained to the police about my bike being taken away, obviously I'm gonna be stuck at the police station for the rest of the day so I DON'T WANNA GIVE A DAMN FOR THAT BIKE ANYMORE.

I spilt my drink before the day ended. Yaaaaay.
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