Still in Malaysia

Mar 16, 2008 16:27

Two days ago

Went to karaoke with some friends and, although the karaoke box does have quite a huge bank of Japanese songs (and pretty updated), their selections are pretty weird. XD; It's like they don't have what I expected them to have but they do have what I didn't expect them to. So I couldn't sing "Makka na Chikai" and "Danjo" (I had to go through the Suzumiya Haruhi Medley just to sing God Knows and stare off blankly at the other songs I don't know; my friend actually recorded me singing Koi no Mikuru Densetsu OTL) and since I ran out of songs I could sing, I just went for the joke songs like Anago's "Very Melon" (which I didn't even remember much of XD;). I had fun going "BURUAAAAAAAA" XDDDD

I... I seriously have played too much Taiko no Tatsujin ever since I got here. It's 3 times cheaper here than in Japan so I just HAVE to play it 3 times more than I usually do, you know. The machine I keep playing is 5, though, so not sure if I can say I've improved much once I get back to playing 10. ... Unless Japan already changed to 11 once I get back. (I still can only play up to 5 stars Hard Mode ._. Oni wa muri daroooo)

Also bought a bunch of Diana Wynne Jones books! "Eight Days of Luke", "Charmed Life" (again) and finally "The Pinhoe Egg". I tried searching around my house for my old copy of Charmed Life but I couldn't find it, so decided to grab myself a new copy because it's cheap enough by now. Besides, this new copy I got has some new extras at the end of the book so I guess I'm not missing much out of my money. Currently (re-)reading that book and going "D'aaawww" over Cat all over again. 8DDD (It's probably because I've always imagined to look like a blonde Ruca Milda)


Hung out with raethes and Craig (magnifuse) at Times Square! Spent quite a lot of time in the arcade and, uh, Rae and I kept cheating at each other on the Pop'n machine by trying to mash the other person's buttons. (YET RAE ALWAYS WINS DANGIT ;_;) Then we tried out the amusement park and made perverted jokes on the DNA Mixer and discussed over doujin while taking one of the rides. .... We sure had a weird way of enjoying the rides there. >__>;;

Craig wins an award for suggesting us all to call Disgaea "Dis-GAY-a". Which is true.

Craig: The first game was more about best friends, friendship stuff and all that.
Rae: And the 2nd one was about lovey-dovey stuff. And you see now why they had to turn the 3rd game ga-......
Me: .... You just had to stop there. XD

Then Rae and I tortured each other to draw into each other's sketchbooks. Rae's original characters and KAITO/LEN ROFLOL is too gorgeous. ;A; I'M the one who tainted your sketchbook, YOU SEXY BITCH.

Either ways, it was fun overall, thank you! We need to hang out agaaaiiinn OTL


Reunion lunch with Reika and Reeis, whom I've vaguely mentioned before as the masterminds behind the In-A-Guy idea. AUGH I MISSED TALKING TO YOU GUYS SO MUCH ;_; In fact, we got talking about In-A-Guy again and now I'm so tempted to draw at least a short story of the guys for the manga club. OTL


For those who've watched the CHinese movie CJ7, you probably have heard the 70's disco song "Sunny" by Boney M being used as the movie's 'theme song'. I heard the song there and fell in love with it because whenever they sing "Sunny", it sounds like they're singing "SALEH".

"SALEH, yesterday my life was filled with rain
SALEH, you smiled at me and really eased the pain

SALEH one so true, I LOVE YOU"

*gets bricked*

S-so now I terribly want to make a Saleh music video using this song and just put in random fanarts of him. Not mine only.
.... Yeah, I know, I think I need to see a psychiatrist. My Salehitis needs to be cured. ._. It's been 3 years, Maiki, freaking give up already.

Oh hey, my entry for cc_countdown is up. :O Sorry that it's quite rushed. But less than 10 days already!?

novels, tales of rebirth, outing, disgaea, taiko no tatsujin

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