(no subject)

Jan 22, 2008 00:25

School today was very harsh for me. I actually (secretly?) cried in class. (It's frustrating how the education here has made me cry a lot. =_=; I'm not sure if I should prefer crying over this more or cry over my mum torturing me back at Malaysia...)

But after the Nemakon meeting today, it started to snow!!

FINALLY I SAW SNOW IN JAPAN after almost 2 years of living here! It was more of a flurry, though. But a bunch of us Nemakon members were so happy to see snow (some of them used to live in prefectures that never get snow too) that we were yelling out in excitement for them. 近所迷惑!

And no more exams for me, yay! Although I still have my backlog of assignments and group projects (I hate these! They take up too much of my time!), at least I can grab some peaceful sleep time for a few days before I'm back to pulling off all-nighters for the next deadlines. I'll probably get around to finally reply emails and comments tomorrow or the day after.


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