Jump Festa 2008 - Day 2

Dec 24, 2007 22:10

The day started with rain. D: Either way, grabbed the tickets for SE's CMT again and then I grabbed a ticket for Dissidia's playable demo. The ticket I got was for 11:00 and that was when Namco holds the Tales Stage so I lined up again and end up getting the ticket for 13:00. ^_^;; But yay for finally being able to try out the Dissidia demo! Thoughts and corrections to my SE report will be done to the previous entry later.

Either way, report on the Tales Stage!

Onosaka Masaya (Zelos), Konishi Katsuyuki (Lloyd), Shimono Hiro (Emil), Kugimiya Rie (Marta) showed up and chatted about their characters. As usual, Onosaka is always the "jichoushinai" (doesn't pull himself back) person on the stage. XD;;; He actually said, "go back to D. Gray-man, you!!" to Konishi. XDDDD (Konishi voices a character in that anime series) Anyway, you definitely hear some nice stories about Ratatosk.

- Emil's change of eye colour whenever getting into battle mode also shows his change of personality. They didn't explain why Emil is like that but battlemode!Emil is definitely a lot different than his normal timid self. Onosaka was like "can you show us an example of Emil's personality change right now? It can be about anything, like, a situation in a family restaurant, for example" so Shimono went with that family restaurant idea and used his Emil voice: "U-um, I w-would like to... have a cup of c-coffee please... W-what? No coffee? WHAT THE **** YOU MEAN YOU DON'T SERVE ****ING COFFEE IN THIS LAME EXCUSE OF A FAMILY RESTAURANT!?"

The amusing thing is that THIS IS SHIMONO HIRO WE'RE TALKING ABOUT. He used to always voice dorky characters, doesn't he? XD;; (I only have Ash, Almaz and some Oofuri character in mind so far)

- Marta is in love with Emil because of his 'dual personality' thing? XD;; Apparently she likes to go "Emil, daisuki~!" and Emil would go "Um, thanks..." heh. She seems to be popular among the development staff too.

- Ratatosk has multiple endings. Apparently just playing the game in one play-through won't be enough to answer your questions so playing 2-3 times would be a better idea (according to Onosaka, who's a Tales fan).

- After the world merger (at the end of Symphonia), restoration of world peace was still a bit hard because some people can't get used to the merge and hated Lloyd and co for what they did. I think Emil and Marta have the same opinion too.

- I.... I didn't know Lloyd was 17 when I was playing Symphonia so I was quite shocked to hear that he's 19 in this game... I've always thought he's younger... They said he definitely has grown up, even personality-wise. He became so matured that even Shimono and Kugimiya were surprised to hear Lloyd was an idiot in Symphonia. XD;;

After the talk, Misono showed up and sang "Ninin Sankyaku" (二人三脚) which is Ratatosk's OP song and then performed "Versus" (Tales of the Tempest's OP song). She said this was her first time singing in front of a crowd and personally I think she did pretty well, especially how she had to sing loudly above the loud BGM and crowd noises. *_*;;

What was extremely awesome was that when she was singing "Ninin Sankyaku", they showed footages of the game's opening anime more than their new trailer did and dude, it's such a beautiful anime OP (I wonder who's doing the storyboard this time? It seems to have a different sense of sequence compared to previous Tales' OPs, maybe resembling Abyss' more) and we finally got a peek of the game's villains and there's this cute girl in white and THERE'S A SALEH-LOOKALIKE WITH LONG HAIR!!! Actually, he probably doesn't look like Saleh at all besides his hair colour being quite close enough but my first thought when seeing him was "OMG IT'S SALEH!!!" OTL OMG NOW I HAVE TWO GUYS I'M DEAD IN LOVE WITH IN THIS GAME AND I CAN'T FREAKING PLAY IT WAAAAAAAAAHHHHH OTLOTLOTL

A-anyway, we also finally got to see female human Mieu! I can't remember how was her outfit but she still had those markings above her eyebrows! IT'S FREAKING MIEU DANGIT WHY CAN'T YOU AGREE WITH ME CHUUUUUUCCCC Oh right, and I forgot to mention that there's this black panther-like creature in Ratatosk's new trailer and he's voiced by Ootsuka Houchuu. OTL (Xigbar in KH2, Deneb in Kamen Rider Den-O)

More on Ratatosk trailer, I noticed Emil wore two more different outfits that weren't shown before. One was mainly in cream colour but with green lining (casual home outfit?) and another is a completely white long coat with black lining and a black belt tightened on his waist on top of the coat. I wonder if this means the game will have alternate costumes too? (At least for the white coat)

Hmm, I think that's all for Ratatosk? After the talk finished, the seiyuus went off stage and next seiyuu invited was Destiny's Marian's seiyuu, Fujimaki... something, I forgot her name sorry. OTL Anyway, she commented Marian showed up a lot more often in ToD:DC which probably means more deredere Leon for you fangirls. :P

- Leon's Side can be played for over 16 hours?
- Leon gets some new moves too.
- Stahn's Side gets some improvement too. Some minor tweeks in story, some dialogues got rerecorded, the battle system is upgraded but I'm not sure in what sense besides maybe some new moves.

And last but not least, they ended the stage with a preview of Tales of Vesperia.

- Guy with black long hair seems to be the main character and Asran Frings-lookalike could be his partner or best friend. They were quite close to each other in how they combined attacks and so on. (LOL I sense they'll be the OTP of this title :P)
- This girl seems to be the heroine, has pink hair. She was acting all sweet and stuff, kinda like Colette.
- There was also a little red-head (brown-haired?) boy with goggles on his head and according to Chuc there was also a dog that was... smoking pipe. Huh. I wonder how I missed such a bizarre picture... (Shows how I have no eye for animals? >_>;;)
- I love the cel-shaded CG they used, it's a lot better than Symphonia's, very smooth and all. Hell, the whole trailer was in High-Definition. The battles kinda reminded me of Ratatosk so it could mean that the game's gonna be for the Wii but the HD-ness of the trailer kinda suggested it could be for the PS3 or 360. Unless what's HD is only the trailer and not the actual game. >_>;; Either way, I'll be a biased PS3 fan and hope it's for the PS3. :P I like the Frings-lookalike...!!

And so that's the end of the report? After the Tales Stage, Chuc went for the Symphonia Ratatosk demo while I went for Dissidia's playable demo. I think Chuc put up his report of the demo at the Official Tales Forum so I think you guys should head there if you wanna hear more about it.

I also bought Naruto imagawayaki, LOL.

In case you never noticed, I also edited the Day 1 Part 1 entry.

symphonia ratatosk, tales games, tales of vesperia

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