Tokyo Game Show 2007 Report - Day 1

Sep 22, 2007 23:34

First thing first...

The number 1 reason I went to TGS 2007 is just to watch their Closed Mega Theatre, and everything else is just to make my TGS ticket not wasted.

...... Okay, obviously I don't quite mean that but ANYWAY, would you know how I feel when, upon arriving Square Enix's booth at 11am (which is just an hour after the gates opened by the way) that they don't allow anymore people into the Closed Mega Theatre because they've finished giving out numbered tickets for every single CMT showing for the WHOLE DAY!?



Yeah, I know, it's some sort of advanced version of first-come first-serve basis thing you thought up this time but I FIND IT STUPID. If the queue is clogged up as usual, why don't you just close the queue as usual and re-open it later so that you can equally give a chance for those who terribly want to watch and came back to the theatre at a later time and for those who gee I don't know JUST ENTERED THE BUILDING A FEW MINUTES LATER THAN THE PEOPLE WHO WERE FARTHER IN FRONT OF THE QUEUE TO GET INTO THE BUILDING!?

I'm probably not making sense here because I'm PMSing but the point is that SE's booth has always had a good waiting line system for all the previous gaming events before this but NOW IT ALL HAS CRUMBLED DOWN SO TERRIBLY AND IT PISSES ME OFF A HELL LOT. I almost freaking cried right at that spot but it's a good thing Kurama just kept on moving to look around the booth and it was a good distraction for me from dwelling over disappointment. YES IF YOU STILL HAVEN'T GOT THE POINT ACROSS YOU YET, FINAL FANTASY VERSUS XIII MEANS A HELL LOT TO ME FOR GOD KNOWS WHY AND I REALLY LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING THE NEW CHARACTERS AND AND and aNd AARGHWARTWAGWSAWRWAWGAGAARRGGHHH. OTL

And then after checking some info sites and it seems that SE finished giving away all of the numbered tickets 10 minutes after gate opening time. STUPID SHITENIX STUPID STUPID STUPID *HEADDESK* I DON'T THINK TAKING THE VERY FIRST TRAIN TOWARDS THE CONVENTION WILL DO ANY GOOD NOW.

Later when I met up with kasumi_blue and her friend to fill up a SE survey to get FF4 freebies, I pretty much gave a big rant on this in there. If they'll keep on using this system later on, I'm gonna have to steal a freaking press pass and go on the Business Days instead if SE will keep treating the public like this. HOW DO YOU PEOPLE GET PRESS PASSES ANYWAY!? OTL I'll write lame reviews for anyone, dangit, gimme those god damn passeeeessss *punched*

[/negative rant]

Besides that, Subaseka mission-wise, I pretty much used surechigai tsuushin almost as often as I could while walking around there but I'm not too sure what kind of good it brought besides a hell lot of access BP (I found hundreds of people, both Subaseka and non-Subaseka players, man...) and the fun of seeing funny names like "Nomuzou", "Clip Nomura Tetsuya", "Kandou D. Tatsuya" and more... I'm not sure if it's really them or just impersonators. XD; I get to maxed out a hell lot of my badges, though! (Too bad I don't have those rare badges that only levels up with access BP)

Had nothing else to do with Shitenix's booth then. I wanted to try out FF4 but I couldn't get into the mood to line up so if things are better tomorrow, I'll try to queue up for it.

In other words, I HAVE NOTHING ON SQUARE ENIX TO COMMENT ON, therefore this section is boring and full of anger.

Oh, wait, except it was cool to be able to watch the anime sequences of the Star Ocean remakes and finally be able to see all the SO2 characters animated. Ernest and Ashton looked cool~~ XD And there's this blonde guy or girl in SO1 that I find so hawt. As for SO4, the trailer is just a full CG trailer showing spaceships travelling space and stuff. I think the character designer is the same as SO3's because, despite the CG is more realistic now, the male main character has the same fashion sense as SO3 Fate's. ^_^; (big armoury stuff on his limbs, etc)

I got these photos from Kurama. Neku and Joshua cosplayers (I found a Beat and Rhyme later too) checking out Roxas. :P I found the pair so damn cute on how they both tilted the same way in the 2nd picture. Thanks Kurama~


Namco Bandai Booth

I've fallen in love with Tales of Innocence. Or more like with Ruca Wilde. His initial character artwork is definitely misleading because it turns out he's an Emo Boy with a damn Uber Pretty Emo Face when he's drawn in Matsutake's art style (the anime character designer, while Inomata's the original character designer) that I just had to go MUNEKYUN AT HIM. DX Just FYI, Angie, this doesn't have anything to do with shota complex or anything okay!? >:O He just reminded me of a younger version of Veigue, that's all!

Now that I finally get to see the whole party in Innocence, I'm surprised to see I love many of their designs, especially Ange, Spada and Ricardo (are there scans of them yet!?). And the full anime opening movie was very pretty and it has a very nice song with an ethnic(?) feeling to it and this has surely pumped me all up for the game! They had a Tales live stage and had the seiyuus of Ruca and Iria as guests. They made a live skit between Ruca and Iria at the spot and it introduced us to those two's skit face expressions and that impressed me too. (Ruca's so cuuuuute!! He had a teary-eyed face when being bullied by Iria!! OTL) I only stayed for the first half of the live stage so I'm not sure if GreenRiver Light Midorikawa Hikaru really showed up or not (because Namco's site says he would show up too).

After that queued up for an hour for Innocence's playable demo, which has Ruca, Iria and Spada (hawt guy voiced by Ueda Yuuji, yay!) as your starting party. Unfortunately, I got lost roaming in the town and couldn't find the exit to go outside and do battles so I end up just watching as many skits as I could. XD;; Such a waste but oh well.

Didn't bother with Destiny's Director Cut playable demo. I'm still boycotting it. >__> But from what I saw from other people playing it, YES, THERE IS MORE CHALTIER. I remember someone in my f-list wondering about that. XD;
Trailer-wise... God damn, Tales of Symphonia -Ratatosk no Kishi- actually looked cool. DX And that was such a tease when they showed Lloyd's back for a few seconds at the end of the trailer. He didn't look like he grew up/taller or anything, though. >_>;
Ar Tonelico 2 looked cool, too... Or at least its animation sequence, anyway. The problem is that I just don't feel that much interested in it, sorry.
PS3 Trusty Bell trailer showed only one new costume, which is Polka in a cute light green dress and apparently there are also some new cutscenes, according to the trailer. Whatever scenes they're adding, I hope they clear up the confusing plot a bit. >_>; And we got to see Crescendo and Serenade in action! They seem to share a slight same style in attacks, like how they both have magical circles under them with columns coming out when casting spells.

Tales of Innocence demo booth.


Marvelous Entertainment Booth

This is where Luminous Arc 2, Lux Pain (remember me talking about it?) and trailers for Oboromasa Youtouden (the new game by the Odin Sphere peeps) and Valhalla Knights 2 are. Oboroblabla looked exactly like Odin Sphere except it's all Japanese-ized. The youkai designs are interesting, though.

I didn 't even know Luminous Arc gets a sequel before this. OTL Kurama has been playing the English version while she's here so I get to watch some things in the game and the funny dialogue options and stuff. XD; So we watched a bit of the Luminous Arc 2 live stage but nothing much that interests me were going on. I did like watching the trailer with the animation sequences and find the main character cute though...

As for Lux Pain...

FUFUFUFUFUFU 8DDDD The guy on the far left is voiced by Koyasu, hahahah. (As we all know, the main character Atsuki is Miyano. As usual. OTL)

They had a playable demo for this game and there was no queue so I easily tried it out. I only played for 5 minutes or so but the part I played was very mystery visual novel-ish = too much text. XD; I can start to see that visual novels aren't for me but dangit, I love the art so much so I'll probably still get the game when it comes out.

Luminous Arc pillows for the fanboys.



- PS3's Dualshock 3 controller coming out November!! Looking forward to it, eeeeee! XD (Just because I spilt orange juice on my controller so the button pads are quite sticky. Eeyup)
- .... I'm sure there are more stuff I wanna talk about but I already forget by now.

I bet swammi and/or charmwitch want Cyril.

Took this from the train ride towards the convention. How cute. DS, DS, DS and a PSP (held by a father, with his wife and child next to him).

tales of innocence, events, sony fangirling, tales games, subasekai

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