(no subject)

Aug 20, 2007 21:39

Eh, am still busy but a quick update at least.

Went to Komike's 3rd day around noon time and that made me able to skip the long queues to enter the building, yay. Visited my manga club's booth, greeted some familiar faces and then I browsed through the booths around them. There were a lot of university manga club booths and some even made anime doujinshis among the swarm of original comics, too. And as I browsed more, there were... DOUJINSHIS ON MEDICINE!? I dunno, I saw a lot of 「薬の本」、「数学の本」、「物理の本」、「料理の本」 and more... Er, those probably are amateur-made educational books more than actual doujinshis but I couldn't help myself from thinking "There are doujinshis for ANYTHING!" XD;

After that meet up with a friend, and uh, since he's a guy and it was my first time hanging out with a guy friend in Komike, it felt weird talking to a friend holding a bag with pictures of scantily-clad ladies with big boobs and was even shown some *cough* 'sexy' doujinshis by big and well-known circles. 8DD; Either way, after that we went separate ways and I decided to check out the commercial booths, which I never visited for some reason. There weren't that many interesting booths for me (since half of the booths are by game companies of gal games) but I was able to watch promo movies of upcoming anime series, at least. :D (Er, no, there's no Haruhi, but I think the Haruhiists will go back to their extreme in FuyuKomi once the series is back on TV this winter...)

I also went Gurren Lagann shopping.

Uh-huh, uh-huh. 8D To tell you the truth, I bought that telephone card (which costs 1,200 yen! OTL) just so that I can have change to buy the Gurren-dan mug (800 yen!). Ah well, the card has cute Nia in the background anyway. (Dear merchandisers, SELL SOME VIRAL, PLEASE KTHNX BY)

Also, randomly, this is Gainax's current way of pimping Eva:

I bought this before leaving for Malaysia, though. I don't see them in stores anymore. ;_; And I never was able to look for a Shinji or Kaworu can, sob sob...

doujin event, gurren lagann

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