Review on Playstation Premiere

Jul 18, 2007 08:22

The Playstation Premiere event just announced a bunch of new games by 3rd parties for the PS3 (more detailed articles here) so a little review on what I can expect for my lovely PS3.

I see there's a new RPG by the people behind Utawarerumono (along with the same character designer), yay! LOL not that I have played Utawarerumono before but it was quite popular after all. Considering PS3 games are cheaper than PS2 games, I don't mind supporting the PS3 by buying games I'm not too hyped for (if there's no other game I want coming out at the same time), anyway. I wonder if Flight-Plan is gonna take part on gameplay development again?

There's also Disgaea 3 but WTF is with Nippon Ichi still using their PSX-era graphics? =_=;; For the umpteenth time, if Flight-Plan can improve their graphics for their PS2 games, I can't see why you can't, N1! I don't see myself buying this game... Unless they decided to put only Harada's art in HD and that's when I start debating again. >_>;; I wanna see Takano Hiroyuki's (character designer of Dragon Shadow Spell) art in a PS3 gaaaaammeeee. (Well, Kuroboshi too but his art style is starting to head towards the wrong direction and that annoys me...)

I already cried over Crisis Core's special pack yesterday. *sigh* I wonder what kind of ways I can take to raise funds within 2 months... =_= (sadly, art commissions is out of the question because I've gotten myself into too many art projects for this summer break) You know, considering they have 77,777 limited copies of that pack, you'd have thought Squenix would release the game on 7/7/07. XD

On Bandai Namco's side, there's... Nobi Nobi Boy. By the creators of Katamari Damacy but even the presses don't have an idea on what kind of game it is. Er... If you're not bringing Katamari to the PS3, I hope Nobinobi Boy will be a good reason to why, sir. >_> Seems like there's still no news on new Tales though...

I'm so happy over the attention the PS3 is getting lately now, though! 2 people in my flist got themselves a PS3 on the same day and now many are considering of getting one soon because of their game line-up, too! 仲間が増えるよ、ふふふ~


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