(no subject)

Jun 28, 2007 08:46

I hate it when a cold is coming to an end, you get chest pains (because I'm asthmatic?) and sore throats next. *dies from pain*

Mini Baroque Countdown, yay.

Decided to not go for a gothic theme this time. If there are fans of the original Baroque fan here, I apologize in advance. OTL

Um, n00by questions:
1. I never really understood what does "majoring" and "minoring" in a university/college really mean. Just to make sure I'm not off track, you major the main course you're taking while you minor the extra subjects that don't have anything to do with your course but are just there for credits, is it?
2. Not sure who to ask this but I guess this question is targetted to the people in my flist who are Design students? I've always wanted to start making these sort of designs but when using textures, are you allowed to use someone else's or is it better if I make my own textures? But the thing is that I have no idea how to make my own textures. ._. I tried doing some search on this but nothing nifty showed up.

Also, I have a "Get US$5 off a purchase of US$50 or more (actual products value)" coupon from Play-Asia because they lost a customer and are trying to get her back, mwahahah so does anyone want it?

Here be some nice music by I am Robot and Proud, too. There are some Subaseka gameplay news too, by the way.

EDIT: *fixes typos* Whoever saw that can see I was high on meds.

art, baroque, subasekai

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