Jump Festa 2007 Report - Part 2

Dec 17, 2006 07:09

(WARNING: This entry is also image-heavy/not modem-friendly)

Sorry that this entry is late. I felll asleep. OTL


I went to Namco's booth after finishing my dealings with Squenix's booth and it was nice to see that I was right on time to watch the Tales Stage. :P

Firstly, the Tales Character Ranking Results, of course!

1. Lion Magnus
2. Luke Fon Fabre
3. Jade Curtiss
4. Guy Cecil
5. Kratos
6. Asch
7. Judas
8. Zelos
9. Stahn
10. Tear Grants

I can't remember some names, sorry. XD; please keep in mind that I might get some numbering wrong, so I hope you don't get too mad once the results are put up online and it turns out my list is slightly wrong. I tried to take many photos of the stage but then a staff was walking nearby holding a board saying "No Taking Pictures!" and kept looming around me, so I put down my camera. Sorry. @_@; I was able to take a photo of Momoi Haruko when she got called to the stage because Anise got somewhere in the top 20, though!

Anyway, the stage was lots of fun! Many seiyuus for the characters in the top 20 (or top 15?) came to the stage (Ion got into the top 20,too, by the way!) and created some funny interactions.

Onosaka Masaya (Zelos) was whining that he's not in the top 5 anymore. XDDD And he was like "IT'S ALWAYS YOU" at Midorikawa Hikaru (Lion/Judas)! This time the number of Abyss characters overwhelmed the Symphonia characters in the top 15 so the seiyuus were commenting on that ("Abyss sure is very popular~") and Onosaka was like "This means I might not be able to be the host of Viva Tales Of anymore! ;_;" and he turned to the audiences and went "You all love me, right? So go behind the Namco booth and tell them you want me to stay!" XDDD;;

There was a little skit of the characters from no. 6 to 10 before announcing them (by using the character art and showing the video on the big screen. Can't really remember what's the contents by now but the best part was Asch and Zelos bickering at each other (I can't remember over what) and Asch went "DAMARE KUZU" at Zelos. XD Tachiki Fumihiko (Kratos) and Matsumoto Yasunori (Guy) couldn't come, so they gave VTR messages. Koyasu Takehito (Jade) couldn't come either but the staff made a cooler VTR message for Koyasu: him speaking as Jade by using Jade's skit art. XDDD I can't remember what Koyasu said anymore, but I like how the skit art followed his voice tone, so it was quite a funny thing to watch.

After all the characters' ranking are announced, they called forth all the seiyuus that were on stage and they made a little skit. Rid was like "Games like Destiny, The Abyss and Symphonia are still strong and popular, but me... I'm the only one here. ;_;" and the others were, like, trying to comfort him by saying stuff like "It's just because some games are new and Destiny just recently got a remake, but what matters is that throughout all this time, you're still someone's no. 1!" and they turned to the audience to follow them going "ETERNIA SAIKOU! ETERNIA SAIKOU!" and Rid was like "... Really? Heheh, if you say so!" XD But Lion was being cynical in the corner and was about to comment "But Eternia also recently got a PSP port..." but the other seiyuus went "SSSSSSHHH" at him. XD Then Asch and Luke got into an argument and it was damn awesome to watch Suzuki Chihiro change his voice from Asch to Luke and vice versa very quickly right on the stage when they were bickering at each other! D8

Then at the end, when every seiyuu were giving one last message before ending the event...
Suzuki: Tales of the Abyss is still going on, with the drama CDs, radio show and novels, so hope you all keep supporting us!
Onosaka: .... Wait. YOU GUYS HAVE A RADIO SHOW?
Suzuki: Er, yeah.
Onosaka: OTL (Literally)
Suzuki: Maa maa maa! XD *pats Onosaka*

Mmm, that's all I can remember at the top of my head so far. Also, there's a new trailer for ToTW! :D Some new awesome anime footages and they're shown in this new TV CM.


See how far back you can push Kurita!

There were a lot of Jump food stalls, too. XD (I couldn't take pictures of them but there was a stall for D. Gray-man too, and it's named as Jerry's cooking XDDD) I wasn't sure what to eat for lunch so I went for...

The Eyeshield 21 crepes! Devil Bat's crepe is strawberry-flavoured. 8DD

And you know you need to slide down Elizabeth's tongue for once in your lifetime! Actually, I saw many people holding these... Elizabeth-on-sticks things and wanted to grab those for ultra_butterfly and flowerchorus (if I could bring it through the airport, anyway XD) but I couldn't find where they sold it. So sorry, you guys. OTL

And what's awesome is that there's a Jump 'library'! It's a corner that lets you sit down and read all available Jump Comics for FREE.

And the Jump Shop was way too crowded.

And here's a random cat character at Capcom's booth.

Check out Jump's Live Report for more stuff shown there! They also made a visit to Squenix's Booth and the announcer was cursing at Roxas for being so popular. XDDD It's the 9:45 report on the left menu!

EDIT: Editted the Character Popularity Ranking. Turns out I got #9 wrong. :P Here's the full list from Kouli.

events, japan, tales games

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