(no subject)

Feb 13, 2006 09:11

Watched the movie "Syriana" yesterday. The one with George Clooney and Matt Damon. A bit... slow, but it wasn't bad. As usual, I get lost with all those politician talks. But it has a bad ending so I'm a bit... sad about that.

Ah yes, paintchats uesterday!
Screenshots of the LukexAsch paintchat! Unfortunately, I couldn't draw a proper LukexAsch pic. 8D;; Spent the most time on AkuRoku, sorry. OTL
Screenshots of the OMG Tales of Legendia Got Released in America!!1 paintchat! XD It has KH2, ToL and ToA all rolled up into one. Ah, ignore the bloody Roxases. obaa_chan seems to have a morbid way of showing her love for him. 8D;; Thanks to bushbaby_sama for handling the screenshots!

Has anyone watched Passion's MV yet? (Got the link from nunuu!) The animation part of it is pretty. :D I wonder which studio animated it... Looks like Production IG.

Although the GF KHII board has trolls and really idiotic newbs most of the time, their Roxas-related discussions are a lot better than mine. (Obviously spoilers!) *STABS NOMURA* ULTIMANIA BETTER GIVE US MORE BACKGROUND INFO ON ROXAS OR CHICKENS WILL DIE. T_T *prepares her butcher knife*

Bought NA Legendia yesterday! No, wait, 2 days ago. Only get to play an hour of it yesterday... Anyway, just short commenting for now:
- NOBODY SAID "NAMCO!" AT THE BEGINNING SCREEN!? And why do they have that "Now Loading" screen before that Namco screen now?
- The instrumental song for the OP movie is... a bit boring. Feria said it's better than the other US Tales' OP movies' so now I can imagine how bad they were. OTL
- Senel's voice-acting is a bit bad, IMO. I'm quite tolerant of his constant "HAH EATTHIS HEI HAH EATTHISEATTHISEATTHIS" so far but I think my patience is running out soon... :D *clings to Suzumura*
- I don't get what people are complaining about Shirley's voice. She sounds a lot like her Japanese self. >_>; ... Ohh, now I get it. *is the only one liking both ver of Shirley's voice?*
- Walter's voice suits him but NOT ENOUGH ANGER, WALTER! 8D Come on, be the Angry Person that you really are!!
- Am. not. used. to. the. X and O. button. switch. GAAHH *keeps pressing the wrong button*
- Jay's voice is still scary but I can get used to it. ... I think. SEDUCTIVE PEDOPHILE WHO'S HAVING THE HAWTS FOR SENEL, YOU.
- Jay: "I really want to know. I need to know. I can't stand it when there's something I don't know. You know?" HAHAHAHAHAHAH
I love the English version of the Pheromone Bombers Bantam Bouncers' song! 8D The lyrics actually fit the song, yay! Does anyone have a vid of it?
- Chloe is... okay, I guess. I never cared about Chloe in the JPN ver so I guess I'll stay that way in this...

That's all for now. Currently in the Bandits' Lair.

And although I still haven't continued with my Abyss 2nd play (finished up to Luke's haircut), I have something to... rant on?

Oookay, I'm finding it a bit hard to accept people's rants on that Aczelius(sp) event. No, I'm not disagreeing. I understand what you all have to say on it. But it's kinda sad to see people getting at angry on that scene. I don't know, maybe because I didn't react to it that much. I mean, I liked Luke before his haircut also, but when he started to get more and more of an attitude, I started to like him less and was very much anticipating that haircut scene that Ed talked about to happen soon. Then that Aczelius event happened, and my reaction was pretty much like this:

Me: WTF. D:
Party: *abandons Luke*
Me: Hey, that's not nice of you gu--
Me: ...... Anta mo kakkowarui yo.... (Kimochi wa wakaru kedo.)

Then Asch showed up and I cheered. Then I get to control Asch and I was pretty much in heaven and has forgotten all of that Luke problem. And I went on and on playing until Aramis Well. Thus, no angry ranting about that Aczelius scene in my game blog (which is why you see me went straight to fangirling over Asch in there). I guess people were still in that angry mood because you all stopped playing in Berkend(sp). ^_^;;

Alrighty, time to do TOEFL questions again.

tales of legendia, kingdom hearts, tales of the abyss

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