So many things in the World gone, In just a flash.....

Mar 01, 2005 21:07

So today was a big day for me. I had a RedMax school to go to at 7:00. I have been to a few classes so i knew it would be good. It was, we had breakfest and lunch, then we got to do a teardown of a Strato Charged Motor. I had alot of fun and i learned alot of new things like how other people run there buisnesses and stuff. Always a good thing to witness how other people do their job. It gives me tips for my future career. But the car ride home...... Me and Jeff got into this huge conversation about the bible and stuff. And i seriously felt that God was talking to me through him. I have never been touched like this in my life. He knows his bible back and fourth. I found out he went to college for it. We were talking about Revalations because ive always had questions about it and he gave me so much information. Basically Revalations is a dream, in the dream he sees several things hes never witness before. Like one currency, now i hate to tell you this but ost of you think that there are tons of them but there is one that is reining over all.....CREDIT CARDS....they are all over the world and are all o so convienent, Yea big hint and also we talked about how the natural disasters are suppose to worsen, hmmm lemme think 5 hurricanes in one season, a huge sunami hits the Asian cost, i mean please its in BOLD letters people.And i hate to think that if i do make it in the rapture that i will have to see all my family and friends still here on earth. I mean i was hit beyond everything before. And another thing Jeff was telling me about how everything i have is Gods, hint hint my car he took it when he wanted it. It was his and he didnt want me to love that more than him. I wasnt hurt physically but i was hit with money hmm that is his two. I mean everything seemed like it feel place almost like a puzzle. It was amazing. This makes my faith so much stronger. And to hear about my friend Tommy i feel like it was a warning someting i was taken back by, i was with him last weekend and now hes in the hosiptol holly cow, i mean i have to get my act straght now and fast. I have to go. But this is what my heart has been filled with all day, God Bless Matt.Krystle I Love You :)
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