Ouch, ouch, ouch...and serious hella-ouch

Apr 15, 2008 00:41

Okay, so I'm emphasising it...but at this point, I don't think I'm over exaggerating.

It's weird, but I have cold sore blisters...but in my eyes. And they are seriously unpleasant. Think pain, and swollen eyelids, and eyes that look like road maps.

It means that I have nice, woozy-making, sleep inducing pain killers though, which is handy. On the not so fun side, I have horrible paraffin based cream that makes everything blurry and out of focus. I kinda understand how the vaseline on camera lenses thing works now.

I'm also spending way more time at my doctor's office then I would like...granted, this whole eye saga has been going on for weeks now. The huge blister thing is new, but so far that's warranted a hospital visit, a doctor's office visit, and another tomorrow, and that's only since Friday. It was all supposed to be a lot better by Tuesday, but given since I saw my doctor Saturday not only do I have a second blister in my left eye, I now have one in my right eye as well...so from that, I now have to go back and organise an urgent eye specialist appointment.

But enough of that. On the plus side, I have Maia home on vacation, so she's being my entertainment director...and she's cooking for us. Not that I can't, she just doesn't want to let me...and she does a mean spaghetti bolognaise, as long as I deal with draining the pasta, so it's all good.

I do have my fingers crossed that I can wake up tomorrow and find that everything has settled down though...and on that note, I'm going to sleep now. Hooray for sleepy pills and all that.


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