Life is a bitch, but so am I

May 06, 2009 16:18

I admit, I should have seen that coming...
My homework is piling up, I've got 2 papers I REALLY REALLY need to complete soon and I haven't even started. Not to mention the presentations and Mini-Tests (and these are important too, I need at least 50% to pass the course). Oh and my weekly transcribing exercises. And I don't want to give up on my 30 minutes Japanese practise and the 2 weekly hours of Tai Chi.
Did I mention my seminar papers yet?


I've been slacking a bit. And now that I compiled a TO DO - LIST... I start to see, that I really need to shape up.
And I realized I didn't have a decent meal in 5 days. No wonder I feel faint and tired.

So... I'm working on a plan of when to do what, so I get finished in time for the more long term projects and including the recurring things like homework and Tai Chi. Of course some freetime for RPGs, my reading and general online time will be included.
I'm at my best when I do things last minute anyway, but I hope I won't have to do that with every project on my agenda.

uni-life, personal rambling

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