Jun 24, 2011 18:38

My friend's baby is here! Welcome to the world, little one!
It's a boy and his second name is Justus, which I connect with Justus Jonas from the ???-books. It's been an eternity since I read them, but as a teenager I was really into the series!

I might even be his godmother, but it's still not really decided, I think. It was torture for the mother, it took 43 HOURS, but in the end all of them are healthy, if exhausted, and the photos are sooo cute! I don't want to post them here, especially without permission, but come on, you all know what baby pictures of first-borns are like, don't you? (I might post some photos on my german LJ, but since this is mostly for fan-stuff...)

I'm sort of glad I don't need children of my own just yet and can borrow other people's now if I want to indulge my motherly tendencies... xD

The second baby from my other friend is due around Christmas, so I still have time to practice a little bit till then.

uni-life, personal rambling, real life

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