In which...I don't even know.

Mar 16, 2009 21:09

So, ran some errands today (read: shopped like a my defense, though, I did need tampons, and my spring jacket's falling apart), and since it was such a nice day, I decided to walk to the Midway Target. I got there only to remember that its selection sucks and fails, so I decided to hoof it back to Snelling and catch the 84 to the Har Mar Target down the road. And at the bus stop on Snelling and University, something...uh...interesting happened.

I'm standing across the sidewalk from the bus shelter and two Latino kids (teenagers? I dunno), a guy and a girl. A man stalks down the sidewalk, rather stiffly, toward the bus stop, and I flatten myself against the wall of the building behind me (as it's a rather narrow sidewalk), so the guy can pass me. He does, and stops in front of the Latino boy, who (through no fault of his own) is in his way.

He glares at Latino boy and barks "EXCUSE ME, I'm TRYING to get THROUGH." Like, angrily. I wish I could duplicate his tone here, because it really did come out of fucking nowhere.

Latino boy, clearly bewildered, steps aside and lets the man pass. We stare at him in silence, wondering what the hell just happened. Anger Management steps into a nearby liquor store for a moment, and we exchange "what the fuck was THAT all about?" comments.

Just as we're starting to mind our own business again, Anger Management leaves the store, with a case of beer in his hand. I'm thinking "uh oh, here he comes." Sure enough, he stalks back up to Latino boy (who's in his way again), and glares at him.

"EXCUSE me, I'm TRYING to get THROUGH." He barks again, this time a bit more forcefully.

"You know, you could just fuckin' walk around me," Latino boy says as he acquiesces to Anger Management's demand. (No, I am not quoting Pirates of the Caribbean and saying "acquiesce to his request," because this was NOT a request.)

"You kids are all a bunch of little shits," Anger Management growls, then walks away grumbling under his breath. I thought I heard the word "spic" at one point, but I wouldn't swear to it.

"Yeah, tell that to your mama...vo madre.*" Latino boy says. Anger Management continues to grumble, and is on his (not so) merry way. Again, we exchange bemused comments, after which the bus comes.

Now that I've written this down it doesn't sound that bad, but being there was awkward as hell. I figure there has to be some sort of reason behind this, like an addiction or mental/social disability of some sort. I'm sure if I knew what exactly Anger Management's circumstances were, I'd probably feel sorry for him. But still...just bizarre.

Also, as mean as this may sound, this may or may not have become my and my roommates' next running joke. >_>

Mmkay, time to do something productive.


*Plz to be correcting my Spanish if it is incorrect, kthnxbai.
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