I missed my job interview today due to a severe bladder infection.
It feels like someone is stabbing me in the back (kidneys.) I miss Andrew all ready- he's not even here to take care of me and my sickness. Either is my mom. She went to Texas for work till Friday. If I do not get this job because I had to reschedule till Friday I will be so so so so upset. I will want to die.
I backed into someones truck the other day at Trees. First time ever.
I want to go to the Tababooya show tonight- but I'm lame and I'm in West Palm.
I'm hungry. I couldn't eat before cause I felt like I was going to puke. Feeling better now.
It sucks when "friends" sell you out. I'm beginning to understand my sister. Guess I'm just not cool enough. <3
this is cool: