Okay, I admit it: I'm a twitterstalker. I compulsively follow celebrities (within reason - sorry
Britney), and like getting views into their life.
Cooler than expected:
Ashton Kutcher - really, he's just adorable in the twitterverse
John Mayer - I'm incredibly charmed (and have a wee crush) on him. This is rather disturbing as the media paints him out to be, well, kind of a wanker
Pretty much what I expected:
Lily Allen - I already thought of her as pretty cool; she's on a US tour now and doing scavenger hunts for tickets in each city. Too bad I won't be near the Chicago theater she's playing when she hides the tickets.
Dr. Drew - of loveline fame! I am a big fan and he's just as neat on twitter as he is on the radio
Demi Moore - aka Mrs Kutcher; very sweet and a voracious reader.
Brea Grant - of heroes fame!
Wil Wheaton - You have been crushered!
Greg Grunberg - of Heroes and Alias fame, who was my favorite supporting dude, and he started out pretty cool, with lots of heroes behind the scenes photos, but has pretty much become all YOWSA!! all the time!! Again, rather disturbing and sad for me.